Page 447 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2017. Glasbene migracije: stičišče evropske glasbene raznolikosti - Musical Migrations: Crossroads of European Musical Diversity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 1
P. 447
to one old saying, ideas are like umbrellas: as soon as you leave one some-
where, it finds a new owner.
Keywords: idea, musical idea, migration of musical ideas, music theory,
Niall O’Loughlin
Escape from Catalonia: The Composing Experience
of Roberto Gerhard
Much migration from Continental Europe to the United Kingdom during
the 1930s was an escape from religious persecution, whereas the departure
from Spain in 1939 of the Catalan composer, Roberto Gerhard, was em-
phatically political. Having supported the defeated Republican cause in
Spain during the Spanish Civil War, he was very vulnerable. His flight from
Barcelona to Cambridge in England was masterminded safely. The conse-
quences for Gerhard were fundamental.
His musical training was thorough but varied. As a result of his study with
Felipe Pedrell, he was fully aware of his native folk music, but his compo-
sition studies with Arnold Schoenberg opened his eyes to twelve-note tech-
nique. His composing career constantly drew on the features of both, final-
ly realising with complete assurance a masterly synthesis. Three stages in
Gerhard’s compositional development were: first, in his own country and
in Austria and Germany, the establishment over about 20 years of his ba-
sic techniques (folk music, twelve-note technique); secondly, in his adopt-
ed country the exploration, over about ten years, of folk music links with
Catalonia and other parts of Spain; thirdly the exploitation over twenty
years of all his previous techniques, with the important addition of elec-
tronic music, to create an outstanding series of major works that drew on
all these features. Overall, his migration was an outstanding success as it
allowed him to develop a unique style without the danger of working un-
der a threatening régime.
Keywords: Roberto Gerhard, folk-music, twelve-note music, electronic mu-
Berthold Over
„Voyage de Paris“. Christian IV. von Zweibrücken zwischen
Akkulturation und Kulturtransfer
In der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts unternahm Christian IV. von
Zweibrücken fast jährlich eine Reise nach Paris. Auf seinen Reisen beglei-
to one old saying, ideas are like umbrellas: as soon as you leave one some-
where, it finds a new owner.
Keywords: idea, musical idea, migration of musical ideas, music theory,
Niall O’Loughlin
Escape from Catalonia: The Composing Experience
of Roberto Gerhard
Much migration from Continental Europe to the United Kingdom during
the 1930s was an escape from religious persecution, whereas the departure
from Spain in 1939 of the Catalan composer, Roberto Gerhard, was em-
phatically political. Having supported the defeated Republican cause in
Spain during the Spanish Civil War, he was very vulnerable. His flight from
Barcelona to Cambridge in England was masterminded safely. The conse-
quences for Gerhard were fundamental.
His musical training was thorough but varied. As a result of his study with
Felipe Pedrell, he was fully aware of his native folk music, but his compo-
sition studies with Arnold Schoenberg opened his eyes to twelve-note tech-
nique. His composing career constantly drew on the features of both, final-
ly realising with complete assurance a masterly synthesis. Three stages in
Gerhard’s compositional development were: first, in his own country and
in Austria and Germany, the establishment over about 20 years of his ba-
sic techniques (folk music, twelve-note technique); secondly, in his adopt-
ed country the exploration, over about ten years, of folk music links with
Catalonia and other parts of Spain; thirdly the exploitation over twenty
years of all his previous techniques, with the important addition of elec-
tronic music, to create an outstanding series of major works that drew on
all these features. Overall, his migration was an outstanding success as it
allowed him to develop a unique style without the danger of working un-
der a threatening régime.
Keywords: Roberto Gerhard, folk-music, twelve-note music, electronic mu-
Berthold Over
„Voyage de Paris“. Christian IV. von Zweibrücken zwischen
Akkulturation und Kulturtransfer
In der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts unternahm Christian IV. von
Zweibrücken fast jährlich eine Reise nach Paris. Auf seinen Reisen beglei-