Page 211 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 211
sant population and income integration: the case of the trieste port-town ...





Kontovel Opčine



! Trebče
! Gropada Lipica


Adriatic sea Trst/ !
Padriče Bazovica

0 5 10 km

Map author: Nataša Kolega
Source: GURS, DTM 12.5

Map 9.2: The Trieste district villages on the Karst
strategies. As a consequence the agrarian economy, especially vine produc-
tion, and salt panning, which constituted two important pillars of Triestine
economy, received great attention and impulse (Montanelli 1905, 16–22).

After 1617 the population of the city increased, registering two phas-
es of decrease at the middle and at the end of the century followed by stag-
nation until the city was granted the status of free port in 1719 (Montanelli
1905, 26–33). This point marks the beginning of a new era in the develop-
ment of the Trieste population, characterised by a continuous increase, de-
riving especially from mass immigration (Breschi, Kalc, and Navarra 2003;
Kalc 2008). Favourable conditions for immigration and settlement also
arose in the agrarian district of the municipality (Navarra 1993; Kalc 2009).

Let’s look at the development of the population in the villages of the
karstic area in the same time span. As mentioned, in the first half of the 16th
century the population here was very few in number. Its concentration in
the villages of Križ, Prosek and Kontovel, in the western part of the area,
was supposedly even higher than in 1647–48, since the village of Bani did
not exist at that time yet while that of Padriče received its first peasant set-
tlers. Adopting the ratio of the distribution in 1647–48 it is possible to eval-
uate the population of the central and eastern part of the karstic district at
about 200m. In spite of several negative factors, however, the population in

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