Page 252 - Panjek, Aleksander, Jesper Larsson and Luca Mocarelli, eds. 2017. Integrated Peasant Economy in a Comparative Perspective: Alps, Scandinavia and Beyond. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 252
integr ated peasant economy in a compar ative perspective

were to be paid. And in such conditions the Karst peasants continued to di-
vide and further fragment their holdings: Were they making economically
irrational decisions? Or is there a possible different answer for such an overt
renunciation to make a living from autarchic self-consumption, which is
seeking the peasant’s economic rationality in the expectation to integrate
their income with revenues obtained in a different way?

Table 10.4: The dimension of farm-units in the Devin records, 1752–53 and 1755–56

Owner, village Arable Mea- Land total Buildings Gross
land (ha) dows (without value (lire)
(ha) orchards) 2 building surfac-
1 Benčina brothers, 4.14 6.76 es, courtyard No data
Štorje 7.07 10.90 House, kitchen, 1371
5.71 sheds, courtyard
2 Luka Škrk, Gabrovec 0.55 7.62
Lovrenc Vižintin, 1.06 6.77 House and shed No data
3 Dol (hered. division 3.95 surfaces, courtyard
into 4 parts) 5.14
4.16 House with up-
per floor, kitch-
3.37 en, a room, cellar,
Lovrenc Uršič, Kra- 2.87 small cellar, shed,
4 jna vas (hered. divi- 1.61 6.74 grain-threshing No data

sion into 3 parts) room, courtyard,


5 Jurij Benčina, Štorje 2.72 6.67 2 building surfaces No data
0.21 with courtyard
6 Matija Perčič, Brje 0.59 6.47 Courtyard 1332
(inherits daughter)
7 Brišča brothers, Pro- 5.68 2 house-ruins 1040
sek area 0.99

8 Urša Stančič Miller, 0.61 5.62 House, house-ruin, 2085
Vrhovlje courtyard

Vižintin brothers, House with oven
9 Dol (half-part of for- and part of upper
5.24 floor, shed, court- 2899
mer unit)

Štefan Legiša, 4.36 Building surface, No data
10 Mavhinje (hered. di- courtyard

vision into 2 parts)

11 Štefan Boneta, 2 houses, shed, 2430
Jamlje 3.48 house-ruin, court-


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