Page 14 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2017 4th Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2017
P. 14
Mostly, this part was very successful, since some stu-
dent members organized educational workshops and
prepared younger students to participate in program-
ming contests, such as ACM-ICPC, the International
Collegiate Programming Contest. Some experienced
members also offered help for a conference paper prepa-
ration, i.e. for StuCoSReC.

Figure 2: Member meeting in 2016 - From left to
right: Miha Ravber, David Jesenko, Marko Biz-
jak, Matej Brumen, Denis Horvat, Robi Cvirn, Uroˇs
Mlakar, Duˇsan Fister, Niko Lukaˇc, Iztok Fister Jr.,
Sˇtefan Kohek.

Chapter activities

Chapter activities can be grouped into five branches:

• Organization of internal workshops: The aim of these Figure 3: Second ACM Maribor workshop - From
workshops is to organize a platform where members left to right: Tilen Sˇkrinjar, Uroˇs Mlakar, Duˇsan
gather together and present their research work to Fister, Denis Kolednik, Miha Ravber, Robi Cvirn,
other members or other Computer Science students Niko Lukaˇc, Iztok Fister Jr., Primoˇz Bencak.
interested in research. Until now, we have organized
two workshops successfully (Fig. 3 presents members Conclusion
at the second workshop) where most of the members
presented their research work. Presentations involved There are many tasks for the future development of this Stu-
discussions, where new ideas were born for improv- dent Chapter. The most important work that waits for the
ing presented methods, or to provide an opportunity members is recruitment related activities and increase of so-
for research-based collaboration. Currently, the third cial events, especially from the other Faculties (e.g. Faculty
workshop is in preparation and will be held in the sec- of Economics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathemat-
ond half of this year. ics). Additionally, in order to organize more social activities,
finding sponsors is a big priority.
• StuCoSReC organization and promotion: Some mem-
bers were participating in an annual StuCoSReC con- Acknowledgements
ference organization team. Chapter members were in-
volved in the submitted papers’ reviewing and editing We are very thankful to the Faculty of Electrical Engineer-
process, as well as in the event’s promotion. ing and Computer Science for their enthusiastically given
support and the possibility to host our Chapter activities
• Recruiting activities: A major task of all members is to within the Faculty facilities. Especially, we much appreciate
look for additional members that could join a Chapter the support of Dean, Prof. Dr. Borut Zˇalik, who was also
and participate in Chapter activities. This was done in a driving force in the first baby steps of the ACM Chapter.
part with collaboration with the Institute of Computer We are also grateful to Prof. Dr. Marjan Mernik, the Head
Science, where the Chapter’s banners were advertised of the Institute of Computer Science, for helping with the
on the Institutes’ website ( promotional activities.

• Social events: The current idea of organizing them
monthly does not bear fruit and, therefore, needs plenty
of improvement. Especially, agreeing a proper time is
one of the problems, since some members are employed
in laboratories and occupied with project related re-
search work. In a nutshell, social events should at
least encompass some educational trips and invitation
of ACM’s distinguished speakers to deliver a talk. Cur-
rently, these activities are still in the planning process.

• Helping fellow students: In the first meeting, mem-
bers concluded that all members (especially graduate
students) should be able to help younger students.

StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2017 4th Student Computer Science Research Conference 14
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11 October
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