Page 23 - University of Primorska - Study Offer 2018/2019
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Faculty of Education (UP PEF)

The study programmes of the Faculty of Education are designed in line with contemporary
educational trends and adhere to the guidelines of the Bologna process. Besides being fully
committed to contributing to the development of education in Slovenia, our teaching pro-
fessionals are highly engaged in international co-operation and various research projects. An
important aspect of our education philosophy is active student participation. Through sem-
inars and practical classes, our students have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowl-
edge gained in the study programme in practice and at the same time share their experienc-
es with other students.

Undergraduate Study Programmes (1st cycle degree)

Pedagogy (Academic, 3 years) Pre-school Teaching (Professional, 3 years)

Primary school teaching (Academic, 4 years)

Master's Study Programmes (2nd cycle degree)

Inclusive pedagogics (2 years) Social Pedagogy (2 years)

Adult Education and Career Development (2 years) Early Learning (2 years)

Primary School Teaching (1 year)

Doctoral Study Programmes (3rd cycle degree)

Educational Sciences (3 years) Early Learning and Teaching (3 years)

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