Page 268 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 268
Pursuit of Eco-innovation
Measurement items Completely stan- p Composite reli- AVE
dardized loading ability
Competitive benefits (CB)
17d Increased process/production 0.87 *
efficiency. 0.92 0.949 0.82
17e Increased productivity. 0.92 *
17f Increased knowledge about *
effective ways of managing op-
17g Improved process innovations.
Economic benefits (ECB)
18a Sales. 0.88
268 18b Market share. 0.95 *
0.935 0.78
18c New market opportunities. 0.91 *
18f Employee satisfaction. 0.79 *
Company performance – growth (GR)
Number of employees - growth 0.48 n.a. n.a.
through 2 business years 0.51
Net sales - growth through 2 busi-
ness years
Company performance – profitability (PF)
ROA 0.97
ROE 0.72 * 0.805 0.59
ROS 0.56 *
Internationalization (INT)
Number of foreign countries 0.99 0.894 0.74
where company currently sells its *
products/services 0.87
0.70 *
Share of sales on foreign mar-
kets in 2013
Total number of operation modes
Note: * p-values are significant at 0.05 level; n.a. = not applicable, because the construct com-
pany growth is composed of only two items.
Moreover, Table 90 depicts correlations between latent variables,
where we can observe that all correlations are statistically significant.
Measurement items Completely stan- p Composite reli- AVE
dardized loading ability
Competitive benefits (CB)
17d Increased process/production 0.87 *
efficiency. 0.92 0.949 0.82
17e Increased productivity. 0.92 *
17f Increased knowledge about *
effective ways of managing op-
17g Improved process innovations.
Economic benefits (ECB)
18a Sales. 0.88
268 18b Market share. 0.95 *
0.935 0.78
18c New market opportunities. 0.91 *
18f Employee satisfaction. 0.79 *
Company performance – growth (GR)
Number of employees - growth 0.48 n.a. n.a.
through 2 business years 0.51
Net sales - growth through 2 busi-
ness years
Company performance – profitability (PF)
ROA 0.97
ROE 0.72 * 0.805 0.59
ROS 0.56 *
Internationalization (INT)
Number of foreign countries 0.99 0.894 0.74
where company currently sells its *
products/services 0.87
0.70 *
Share of sales on foreign mar-
kets in 2013
Total number of operation modes
Note: * p-values are significant at 0.05 level; n.a. = not applicable, because the construct com-
pany growth is composed of only two items.
Moreover, Table 90 depicts correlations between latent variables,
where we can observe that all correlations are statistically significant.