Page 278 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 278
Pursuit of Eco-innovation
Hypotheses Product EI Results – main findings EI construct
with description Process EI Organizational EI
There is a positive Not supported. Supported. Supported.
and significant re-
lationship between
H4 expected bene- Supported.
fits and companies’
implementation of
There is a positive
and significant re-
lationship between
H5a competitive inten- Not tested.
sity and companies’ Not tested. Not tested. Not tested.
implementation of
278 eco-innovation.
There is a posi-
tive and significant
relationship be-
tween competi-
H5b tive pressure and Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported.
companies’ im-
plementation of
The relationship
H6a between eco-in- Partially support- Partially support- Partially support- Partially support-
novation’s perfor- ed (direct but neg- ed (direct but neg- ed (direct but neg- ed (direct but neg-
mance and compa- ative). ative). ative). ative).
ny growth is direct
and positive.
The relationship be-
H6b tween eco-innova- Partially support- Supported. Supported. Supported.
tion’s performance ed (direct but close
and company prof- to zero).
itability is direct
and positive.
The relationship be-
tween eco-innova-
H7 tion’s performance Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported.
and economic ben-
efits is direct and
The relationship be-
tween eco-innova-
H8 tion’s performance Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported.
and competitive
benefits is direct
and positive.
Hypotheses Product EI Results – main findings EI construct
with description Process EI Organizational EI
There is a positive Not supported. Supported. Supported.
and significant re-
lationship between
H4 expected bene- Supported.
fits and companies’
implementation of
There is a positive
and significant re-
lationship between
H5a competitive inten- Not tested.
sity and companies’ Not tested. Not tested. Not tested.
implementation of
278 eco-innovation.
There is a posi-
tive and significant
relationship be-
tween competi-
H5b tive pressure and Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported.
companies’ im-
plementation of
The relationship
H6a between eco-in- Partially support- Partially support- Partially support- Partially support-
novation’s perfor- ed (direct but neg- ed (direct but neg- ed (direct but neg- ed (direct but neg-
mance and compa- ative). ative). ative). ative).
ny growth is direct
and positive.
The relationship be-
H6b tween eco-innova- Partially support- Supported. Supported. Supported.
tion’s performance ed (direct but close
and company prof- to zero).
itability is direct
and positive.
The relationship be-
tween eco-innova-
H7 tion’s performance Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported.
and economic ben-
efits is direct and
The relationship be-
tween eco-innova-
H8 tion’s performance Supported. Supported. Supported. Supported.
and competitive
benefits is direct
and positive.