Page 14 - Čuš, Alenka, et al. ur. (2018). Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 14
družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kultur ah ...
A Research Model for Examining Diaspora Communities Applied
to the Slovene-Canadian Case
This paper presents a model for studying diaspora communities
as independent structures for the Slovene-Canadian case. Using
the researcher’s two years of fieldwork as well as the intracommu-
nity status of the researcher, we observed the community with
the taxonomy of variables by Howard Giles (1977) that determines
the empirical reality of minority communities. Due to the shor-
tcomings of this approach in the analysis, we established a more
appropriate model with the assistance of literary studies, which
not only enables the monitoring and assessment of the commu-
nity, but on the basis of the theory of realization of national in-
terpellation by Marcello Potocco (2012), we are able to increase
the actual vitality and strengthen the Slovene national identity.
The model allows participation in the activity, not only for obser-
ving, but for implementation of additional activity as well accor-
ding to the existing situations and needs of the community. The
vitality of the community was re-assessed and the results compa-
red with the pilot assessment. The comparison demonstrated that
the proposed approach is effective.
Key words: vitality assessment, realization of the national in-
terpellation, empowerment of the Slovene national identity,
Slovene-Canadian diaspora community
Skupnost kanadskih Slovencev temelji na prostovoljnem delu in ohranjanju
slovenske narodne identitete v kulturni komponenti. V provinci Ontario
obstaja več kot 30 kanadsko-slovenskih institucij, ki so med seboj povezane
s krovno organizacijo Vseslovenski kulturni Odbor/All Slovenian Cultural
Committee (pogovorno VSKO) v Torontu. V južnem Ontariu za to skrbi
SKON Niagara, ki je prav tako vključena v VSKO, ter slovenski župniji v
Torontu (Brezmadežne s čudodelno svetinjo) in Hamiltonu (sv. Gregorija
Velikega). Urška Strle (2009, 4–6) ugotavlja, da je v Sloveniji poudarek na
raziskovanju Slovencev v Avstraliji in Argentini ter drastični primanjkljaj
podatkov na temo kanadskih Slovencev, ki so jih v preteklosti, ne glede na
povsem drugačno ozadje ciljne kulture Kanade, večinoma obravnavali kar
skupaj s Slovenci v ZDA. Za osrednji predmet preučevanja si torej določimo
makrosociolingvistično (institucionalno in kolektivno) delovanje ontarij-
skih Slovencev, in sicer za obdobje 2014–2015. Ne zanima nas le, na kakšen
A Research Model for Examining Diaspora Communities Applied
to the Slovene-Canadian Case
This paper presents a model for studying diaspora communities
as independent structures for the Slovene-Canadian case. Using
the researcher’s two years of fieldwork as well as the intracommu-
nity status of the researcher, we observed the community with
the taxonomy of variables by Howard Giles (1977) that determines
the empirical reality of minority communities. Due to the shor-
tcomings of this approach in the analysis, we established a more
appropriate model with the assistance of literary studies, which
not only enables the monitoring and assessment of the commu-
nity, but on the basis of the theory of realization of national in-
terpellation by Marcello Potocco (2012), we are able to increase
the actual vitality and strengthen the Slovene national identity.
The model allows participation in the activity, not only for obser-
ving, but for implementation of additional activity as well accor-
ding to the existing situations and needs of the community. The
vitality of the community was re-assessed and the results compa-
red with the pilot assessment. The comparison demonstrated that
the proposed approach is effective.
Key words: vitality assessment, realization of the national in-
terpellation, empowerment of the Slovene national identity,
Slovene-Canadian diaspora community
Skupnost kanadskih Slovencev temelji na prostovoljnem delu in ohranjanju
slovenske narodne identitete v kulturni komponenti. V provinci Ontario
obstaja več kot 30 kanadsko-slovenskih institucij, ki so med seboj povezane
s krovno organizacijo Vseslovenski kulturni Odbor/All Slovenian Cultural
Committee (pogovorno VSKO) v Torontu. V južnem Ontariu za to skrbi
SKON Niagara, ki je prav tako vključena v VSKO, ter slovenski župniji v
Torontu (Brezmadežne s čudodelno svetinjo) in Hamiltonu (sv. Gregorija
Velikega). Urška Strle (2009, 4–6) ugotavlja, da je v Sloveniji poudarek na
raziskovanju Slovencev v Avstraliji in Argentini ter drastični primanjkljaj
podatkov na temo kanadskih Slovencev, ki so jih v preteklosti, ne glede na
povsem drugačno ozadje ciljne kulture Kanade, večinoma obravnavali kar
skupaj s Slovenci v ZDA. Za osrednji predmet preučevanja si torej določimo
makrosociolingvistično (institucionalno in kolektivno) delovanje ontarij-
skih Slovencev, in sicer za obdobje 2014–2015. Ne zanima nas le, na kakšen