Page 30 - Petelin, Ana, Nejc Šarabon, eds. 2018. Zdravje starostnikov ▪︎ Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 30
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly Sofia von Humboldt je klinični in zdravstveni psiholog z dolgoletnimi izkušnja-
mi pri obravnavi starejših odraslih. Trenutno raziskuje na področju spolno-
sti, staranja, dobrega počutja, duševnega zdravja in medkulturnosti starej-
še populacije. Dr. von Humboldt je izredna profesorica in vodilna raziskovalka
inštituta ISPA-Instituto Universitário v okviru raziskovalnega centra William Ja-
mes, Lizbona. S svojega raziskovalnega področja je objavila številne prispev-
ke, poglavja in knjige o večdimenzionalnem in medkulturnem pristopu k zdravi
spolnosti in ohranjanju duševnega zdravja v starosti.
Sofia von Humboldt is a clinical and health psychologist with a long-standing
experience with older adults. Her current research interests include sexual
well-being, adjustment to ageing, well-being, mental health, and cross-cultural
studies with older populations. Dr. von Humboldt is Associate Professor and
Principal Investigator in the William James Center for Research at ISPA-Institu-
to Universitário. Deeply committed to working with older adults, she has writ-
ten papers, chapters and books on the multidimensional and cross-cultural ap-
proach to sexual well-being and health and mental in old age.
mi pri obravnavi starejših odraslih. Trenutno raziskuje na področju spolno-
sti, staranja, dobrega počutja, duševnega zdravja in medkulturnosti starej-
še populacije. Dr. von Humboldt je izredna profesorica in vodilna raziskovalka
inštituta ISPA-Instituto Universitário v okviru raziskovalnega centra William Ja-
mes, Lizbona. S svojega raziskovalnega področja je objavila številne prispev-
ke, poglavja in knjige o večdimenzionalnem in medkulturnem pristopu k zdravi
spolnosti in ohranjanju duševnega zdravja v starosti.
Sofia von Humboldt is a clinical and health psychologist with a long-standing
experience with older adults. Her current research interests include sexual
well-being, adjustment to ageing, well-being, mental health, and cross-cultural
studies with older populations. Dr. von Humboldt is Associate Professor and
Principal Investigator in the William James Center for Research at ISPA-Institu-
to Universitário. Deeply committed to working with older adults, she has writ-
ten papers, chapters and books on the multidimensional and cross-cultural ap-
proach to sexual well-being and health and mental in old age.