Page 95 - Petelin, Ana, and Šarabon, Nejc. 2018. Eds. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Znanstvena monografija / Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 95
erly older than 65 years should be active at moderate intensity for at least 150
minutes per week (Health Care Institute, Ljubljana, 2013).

To reach the aim of the study the following research questions were set:
a.) What is the self-assessment of the health status of the elderly from Slove-
nia compared to the elderly in other participating countries and b.) What is the
physical activity of the elderly?

Methods physical activity and its importance for the elderly’s health 95
We used the data obtained with the study Easy SHARE (Survey of Health, Ag-
ing and Retirement in Europe). The survey covered older people over 65 in Slo-
venia and other participating countries: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Repub-
lic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Israel and Switzerland. In the
research participated 2577 elderly people from Slovenia, of which 1275 were
aged 65 and over. All respondents were living in their home environment.

Data on the quality of life of the elderly, age, their physical activity and
body weight, self-assessment of health status, the number of chronic diseases
and self-care capabilities were collected from the first to the fourth wave of the
Easy SHARE study (Börsch-Supan et al., 2013). The collected data were statisti-
cally analysed using the Microsoft Excel program and the statistical program
IBM SPSS Statistic 20. One-way ANOVA test were used to find statistically sig-
nificant differences.

The daily activity index is the sum of five tasks: dressing, bathing or shower-
ing, eating and cutting food, walking around the room and getting out of bed.
The higher index indicates more problems the older people have with these dai-
ly activities.

Table 1: Frequency of physical activity in older population

Slovenia Sports and other physically intensive activities F Percentage ( %)
Other More than once per week 359 28,4
countries Once per week 176 14,0
1-3 times per week 149 11,8
Less than once per week 579 45,8
Sum 1263 100
More than once per week 13766 24,3
Once per week 6617 11,7
1-3 times per week 4967 8,8

Less than once per week 31289 55,2

Sum 56639 100
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100