Page 150 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 150
ianne Nolte

dent work on mathematical questions. Due to the characteristic of problem
solving, the solution cannot be found by an algorithm and, there is a bar-
rier a student has to overcome. Problem solving demands flexible thinking,
endurance and creativity. So, high achievement in solving complex math-
ematical problems provides one of the main indications of the capacity of
a student. But, especially at primary grade level, even students with a high
mathematical potential may not be able to show high achievement due to
their experience, or lack of experience, in the field of problem solving.

In accordance with theoretical considerations about giftedness, extraordi-
nary performance is the result of the interplay between inherited potentials,
proposals and conditions given by the environment plus intrapersonal vari-
ables like interest and motivation. The activities of a student in a certain sub-
ject shape the development of a potential to a competence (e.g. Gagné, 2004;
Heller, 2004; Singer, Sheffield, Freiman, & Brandl, 2016; Subotnik, Olszewski-
Kubilius, & Worrell, 2011; Ziegler & Phillipson, 2012)).

So, an approach of giftedness which takes into account learning precon-
ditions and learning processes of a student regards ‘giftedness as a develop-
mental process [. . .] that is domain specific and malleable’ (Subotnik et al.,
2011, p.6).

These considerations underline the importance of learning opportunities.
Most of the tasks given in regular lessons do not challenge students with high
potential. This may have the effect that students with a high potential get
bored, that they withdraw themselves from classroom activities and, perhaps
cannot develop their potential in an adequate manner. Thus, regarding gift-
edness as depending on a developmental process underlines the necessity
to construct learning environments which challenge students with a high
mathematical potential.

The Character of Learning Environments
Research about mathematical giftedness as well as giftedness in general pro-
vides some indications of the character of learning environments. One im-
portant hint is the efficiency in information processing in learning processes
(Krause, Seidel, & Heinrich, 2004). In line with observations of e.g. (Wiecz-
erkowski, 1998; Krause et al., 1999; Paz-Baruch, Leikin, Aharon-Peretz, & Leikin,
2014; Seidel et al., 2001). In our project (PriMa) we observe that the complexity
of information which can be handled is an important aspect of a high mathe-
matical potential. Another aspect is the speed in learning processes. It should
be considered that students who grasp new ideas quickly do not necessarily
work quickly: thinking ideas through thoroughly and reflectively needs time.

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