Page 24 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 24
odoros P. Kokkinos, Aikaterini D. Gari, and Lavrentios G. Dellassoudas

2016) or Mathematics (Lüftenegger et al., 2015), neglecting Humanities and
Social Sciences. Thus, it seems that there is a lack of research for Language
Arts and specifically writing/text production, especially if the significance
of this discipline for the students’ further studies and future development
is taken under serious consideration. Moreover, the relationship among lin-
guistic features of high achievers with other domains that have already been
researched independently, such as motivation and creativity, has not been
yet investigated.

Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the writing compe-
tence and specifically the text production features of secondary high achiev-
ing students in relation to their creativity and motivation features in order for
possible differences between gifted and high achieving students to emerge.

The purpose of this study is to investigate linguistic features of secondary
high achieving students (focusing on text production) in relation to their cre-
ativity and motivation features. Furthermore, a sub-objective of the study is
to gain insight on possible differences between gifted and high achieving
students’ features.

Therefore, the researchers hypothesize that:

1. High achieving students’ text production features will be highly corre-
lated to motivation and creativity.

2. Motivation will be the stronger contributor to high achieving students’
overall language performance, compared with creativity and linguistic

3. Based on previous research findings, significant differences will be
found in favour of girls in all three item groups.

A student sample was selected for the purpose of this study on the basis of
very high performance in a formal evaluation of linguistic features (Ngoi &
Vondracek, 2004). Taking into consideration that in Greece there are no for-
mal criteria yet on identifying excellence in abilities for the state school stu-
dents (Gari, 2007), the procedure of choice has been through the Pan-Hellenic
Exams, in which the particular student sample had excellent performance. It
is a formal irreproachable evaluation process that happens simultaneously
for all students on a national level, it is highly competitive and, therefore,
triggers students’ motivation. Moreover, it is highly demanding, as it requires

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