Page 60 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 60
aterini D. Gari et al.

of a school psychologist is a question to be answered, along with the ques-
tion whether family and class drawings can reveal children’s inner feelings
about the significant others within family and class systems.

The sample consisted of 42 children (30 boys, 12 girls), aged of 2–16 years,
whose parents approached the University of Athens Laboratory for Creativ-
ity Development in order to ask for information about a range of issues con-
cerning the outstanding performance of their child. The decision to consult
a specialist, usually emerged after references mostly by teachers (primarily
from kindergartens and early primary classes) and by people in the child’s
environment (paediatricians, child psychiatrists, etc.). 16 children out of 42
went through a family session, during which they were asked to draw their
family and their classroom. Four of these sets of drawings are being analysed
at the second part of this study, in terms of a case study.

Children’s mean age was 7.7 years. 16 children (55) had one sibling, 6 chil-
dren (20) had no other sibling, 5 children (17) had two, and only 2 children
(7) had three siblings. 18 out of 42 children (78) were firstborn, 3 children
(13) were second in birth order and 2 (9) were third. Unfortunately, for the
rest 13 participants no information about siblings was available.

Collecting Data Strategies
Archived Data. Data were derived from the archived material of the Labora-
tory of Creativity Development (2013–2016). The material includes:

– Manuscript notes from telephone calls and meetings with parents and

– Printed e-mail contacts.
– A semi-structured questionnaire for parents. This questionnaire in-

cludes information such as demographic data, the child’s extracurricu-
lar activities, the person who made the reference, child’s main charac-
teristics, special abilities, skills, talents and developmental milestones,
particular difficulties within family, school and peer groups, along with
teachers’ comments about their child during the current and also pre-
vious school years.

Drawings Rating Scales. Family drawings were scored using Family Draw-
ing Global Rating Scale Family – FDGRS (Fury et al. 1997). This scoring sys-

   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65