Page 66 - Kukanja Gabrijelčič, Mojca, and Maruška Seničar Željeznov, eds. 2018. Teaching Gifted and Talented Children in A New Educational Era. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 66
aterini D. Gari et al. Family drawing Class drawing
. .
Table 7 Judges’ Scores for Mary’s Case . .
FDGRS grades . .
Vitality/Creativity . .
Sense of pride/Happiness . .
Susceptibility . .
Emotional distance/Isolation . .
Role Reversal

‘required’ (Burns & Kaufman, 1972; Reynolds, 1978). Moreover, ‘false starts’ in-
dicate tension and anger (Fury et al. 1997; Leon, Wallace, & Rudy, 2007; Pianta,
Longmaid, & Ferguson, 1999). The fact that the grandmother figure protrudes
among family members, led to the high rating of the dimension Role rever-
sal. Finally hidden feelings of anger or hostility, resulted, high levels in the
dimension Bizarreness/Disorganization.

As regards Mary’s class drawing it should be noted that while she was
drawing her class she showed particular insistence on details of numerical-
metric characteristics and when she found that she could not manage to be
absolutely accurate, she adopted a logical interpretation for her mistakes. In
general, one hypothesis is that her drawing reflects once again her high per-
fectionism which is addressed to the school framework.

George’s Case. George visited the University Laboratory with his family at the
age of 6 years. His parents asked for advice on how to satisfy their son’s curios-
ity without overloading his extracurricular program. Both parents and also
the teacher of the grade A indicate that, while George enjoys being among
his classmates, he is not generally very easy to approach group activities.
Avoidance of the peers is not rare. Teacher is trying to adapt and enrich edu-
cational activities and, at the same time, he is working with the educational
counsellor to provide him further support. Parents described him as a child
with unlimited interest in the natural world, technology, having impressive
numeric abilities since the age of 3.5 years, constantly asking about matters
concerning death, human evolution and illnesses.

His teacher’s opinion is that while George is lonely, he also can work well
with other children and play with them when it is necessary. His classmates
have a positive opinion about him and seek his company. What they recog-
nize as a difficulty is that he is often bored in both the classroom and his
home to finish his homework. He also underlined that George has difficul-

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