Page 107 - Vinkler, Jonatan, Ana Beguš and Marcello Potocco. Eds. 2019. Ideology in the 20th Century: Studies of literary and social discourses and practices. Koper: University of Primorska Press
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Searching for the Image of the Village in the Swirl of 20th Century Ideological Conflicts 107
primarily a political literature, since the story is always divided into mul-
tiple time levels that are interrelated, and it is these connections that cre-
ate the roots of people, family, and determine their balance.
Here, ideologies justify the ruthlessness of power, the egoistic goals
of its representatives, whether they are in a political party, government
or just a municipal council. Literary works attempt to highlight these in-
struments and mechanisms that can manipulate public opinion, but also
human pain and despair.
Translated by Radek Vantuch
Works Cited
Bogataj, Matej. 2009. “Jurij Hudolin: Pastorek.” Mladina, June 14, 2009.
Bošnjak, Blanka. 2005. Pregled tipologije sodobne slovenske kratke proze
(80. in 90. leta 20. stoletja). Jezik in slovstvo 50, no. 6: 43–61.
Dvořáková, Petra. 2018. Dědina. Brno: Host.
Fialová, Alena, ur. 2014. V souřadnicích mnohosti. Česká literatura první
dekády jednadvacátého století v souvislostech a interpretacích. Praha: Ac-
Hájíček, Jiří. 2009. Selský baroko. Brno: Host.
———. 2014. Rybí krev. Brno: Host.
———. 2016. Dešťová hůl. Brno: Host.
Harlamov, Aljoša. 2012. “Sodobna slovenska proza v tranziciji II: Pregled.”
Mentor spec. issue, Urškinih deset. http://aljosaharlamovzauberberg.
———. 2008. “Tri leta pekla.” Mentor 29, no. 5. https://aljosaharlamov.
Hladnik, Miran. 1991. “Kmečka povest danes.” Personal web page. Accessed
November 16, 2019.
Hudolin, Jurij. 2008. Pastorek. Ljubljana: Študentska založba.
Kittlová, Markéta. 2016. “Čí(m) může být půda. Iliteratura.” November 16,
Kopáč, Radim. 2016. “Kniha roku. Hájíčkova novinka šumí naléhavě jak
déšť.” Idnes, November 13, 2016.
Kos, Janko. 1985. “Izviri in razvoj slovenske vaške zgodbe.” Jezik in slovstvo
31, no. 1: 1–10.
primarily a political literature, since the story is always divided into mul-
tiple time levels that are interrelated, and it is these connections that cre-
ate the roots of people, family, and determine their balance.
Here, ideologies justify the ruthlessness of power, the egoistic goals
of its representatives, whether they are in a political party, government
or just a municipal council. Literary works attempt to highlight these in-
struments and mechanisms that can manipulate public opinion, but also
human pain and despair.
Translated by Radek Vantuch
Works Cited
Bogataj, Matej. 2009. “Jurij Hudolin: Pastorek.” Mladina, June 14, 2009.
Bošnjak, Blanka. 2005. Pregled tipologije sodobne slovenske kratke proze
(80. in 90. leta 20. stoletja). Jezik in slovstvo 50, no. 6: 43–61.
Dvořáková, Petra. 2018. Dědina. Brno: Host.
Fialová, Alena, ur. 2014. V souřadnicích mnohosti. Česká literatura první
dekády jednadvacátého století v souvislostech a interpretacích. Praha: Ac-
Hájíček, Jiří. 2009. Selský baroko. Brno: Host.
———. 2014. Rybí krev. Brno: Host.
———. 2016. Dešťová hůl. Brno: Host.
Harlamov, Aljoša. 2012. “Sodobna slovenska proza v tranziciji II: Pregled.”
Mentor spec. issue, Urškinih deset. http://aljosaharlamovzauberberg.
———. 2008. “Tri leta pekla.” Mentor 29, no. 5. https://aljosaharlamov.
Hladnik, Miran. 1991. “Kmečka povest danes.” Personal web page. Accessed
November 16, 2019.
Hudolin, Jurij. 2008. Pastorek. Ljubljana: Študentska založba.
Kittlová, Markéta. 2016. “Čí(m) může být půda. Iliteratura.” November 16,
Kopáč, Radim. 2016. “Kniha roku. Hájíčkova novinka šumí naléhavě jak
déšť.” Idnes, November 13, 2016.
Kos, Janko. 1985. “Izviri in razvoj slovenske vaške zgodbe.” Jezik in slovstvo
31, no. 1: 1–10.