Page 228 - Vinkler, Jonatan, Ana Beguš and Marcello Potocco. Eds. 2019. Ideology in the 20th Century: Studies of literary and social discourses and practices. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 228
ology in the 20th Century: studies of literary and social discourses and practices
Baudrillard, Jean 29, 30, 60 Calvino, Italo 36, 37
Beckett, Samuel 208 Campbell, William W. 82, 86, 87
Camus, Albert 50
Beguš, Ana 11 Cankar, Ivan 95, 96
Behiels, M.D. 81
Behrendt, Eva 43 Carleton, Greg 185, 186, 195
Carman, Bliss 83, 87
Belyaev, Alexander 189, 192 Carpentier, Alejo 208, 209
Benjamin, Walter 19, 21, 22, 28,
61, 100 Castoriadis, Cornelius 10
Castro, Brian 36
Benn, Gottfried 208 Castro-Gómez, Santiago 13, 65,
Berishvili, Mamia 183
Bernhard, Thomas 36 66, 69
Ceauşescu, Nicolae 118
Birringer, Johannes 42, 43 Celan, Paul 208
Boal, Augusto 43
228 Bogataj, Matej 100, 101 Champion, C. P. 86
Chantladze, Shota 167
Bolter, Jay David 20 Chanturia, Tariel 167
Böndör, Pál 150
Borev, Yuri 167 Charkviani, Jansugh 167
Chateaubriand, François-René de
Borges, Jorge Luis 36
Borovnik, Silvija 134 190
Borza, Cosmin 207 Chavchavadze, Ilia 159, 161
Cherniavsky, Eva 68
Bosnyák, István 147 Cheyfitz, Eric 73, 74
Bošnjak, Blanka 97, 152
Bourdieu, Pierre 189 Chiaromonte, Nicola 163
Chiladze, Otar 167
Bourriaud, Nicolas 12, 33, 36 Chiqovani, Simon 166
Bowering, George 14, 89, 90
Bradbury, Ray 192 Chittick, Kathryn 86
Brandt, Gail Cuthbert 88 Chrobáková Repar, Stanislava 133
Brecht, Bertold 208 Cixous, Hélène 139
Brennan, Timothy 195 Clark, Katerina 185, 186
Brezhnev, Leonid 181 Cohen, Margret 190
Britton, Célia 209 Colombo, John Robert 89
Brown, Epes 72 Conrad, Joseph 187
Broz Tito, Josip 113, 145, 146, 148 Cooper, James Fenimore 187, 190
Brycz, Pavel 102 Coutinho, Eduardo De Faria 208
Bukowski, Charles 90 Couture, Claude 81
Burnes, Julian 13, 50 Creangă, Ion 188
Butor, Michel 208 Creeley, Robert 89
Csorba, Béla 147
C Curtius, Ernst Robert 203
Caillois, Roger 145
Baudrillard, Jean 29, 30, 60 Calvino, Italo 36, 37
Beckett, Samuel 208 Campbell, William W. 82, 86, 87
Camus, Albert 50
Beguš, Ana 11 Cankar, Ivan 95, 96
Behiels, M.D. 81
Behrendt, Eva 43 Carleton, Greg 185, 186, 195
Carman, Bliss 83, 87
Belyaev, Alexander 189, 192 Carpentier, Alejo 208, 209
Benjamin, Walter 19, 21, 22, 28,
61, 100 Castoriadis, Cornelius 10
Castro, Brian 36
Benn, Gottfried 208 Castro-Gómez, Santiago 13, 65,
Berishvili, Mamia 183
Bernhard, Thomas 36 66, 69
Ceauşescu, Nicolae 118
Birringer, Johannes 42, 43 Celan, Paul 208
Boal, Augusto 43
228 Bogataj, Matej 100, 101 Champion, C. P. 86
Chantladze, Shota 167
Bolter, Jay David 20 Chanturia, Tariel 167
Böndör, Pál 150
Borev, Yuri 167 Charkviani, Jansugh 167
Chateaubriand, François-René de
Borges, Jorge Luis 36
Borovnik, Silvija 134 190
Borza, Cosmin 207 Chavchavadze, Ilia 159, 161
Cherniavsky, Eva 68
Bosnyák, István 147 Cheyfitz, Eric 73, 74
Bošnjak, Blanka 97, 152
Bourdieu, Pierre 189 Chiaromonte, Nicola 163
Chiladze, Otar 167
Bourriaud, Nicolas 12, 33, 36 Chiqovani, Simon 166
Bowering, George 14, 89, 90
Bradbury, Ray 192 Chittick, Kathryn 86
Brandt, Gail Cuthbert 88 Chrobáková Repar, Stanislava 133
Brecht, Bertold 208 Cixous, Hélène 139
Brennan, Timothy 195 Clark, Katerina 185, 186
Brezhnev, Leonid 181 Cohen, Margret 190
Britton, Célia 209 Colombo, John Robert 89
Brown, Epes 72 Conrad, Joseph 187
Broz Tito, Josip 113, 145, 146, 148 Cooper, James Fenimore 187, 190
Brycz, Pavel 102 Coutinho, Eduardo De Faria 208
Bukowski, Charles 90 Couture, Claude 81
Burnes, Julian 13, 50 Creangă, Ion 188
Butor, Michel 208 Creeley, Robert 89
Csorba, Béla 147
C Curtius, Ernst Robert 203
Caillois, Roger 145