Page 77 - Vinkler, Jonatan, Ana Beguš and Marcello Potocco. Eds. 2019. Ideology in the 20th Century: Studies of literary and social discourses and practices. Koper: University of Primorska Press
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Epistemology, Ideology, and Literature ... 77
nial discourse and to the preclusive opposition between the two discours-
es; he participates in both discourses. However, is such a ‘polymorphous
discourse’ (ibid.) still possible, four decades after he published this book?
This article tries to follow Todorov’s model. In analyzing literary and
non-literary texts, as well as referring to theories, it is part of a systemat-
ic discourse, in connecting the results it approaches a narrative. It tries to
show how different types of stories and discourses, in different times and
languages, participate in the construction of social realities; while it is it-
self part of these discourses. Still many questions remain open. Mignolo
poses a crucial one: “Was erkennen, wie begreifen und wozu?” (Migno-
lo 2012, 168)
Works Cited
Alexie, Sherman. 2012. Blasphemy. Melbourne: Scribe.
———. 2016. “Hey, Look, the Abyss!” The Stranger, April 15. https://www.
Allen, Paula Gunn. 1992. The Sacred Hoop. Boston: Beacon Press.
Arendt, Hannah. 2017. Eichmann in Jerusalem. München, Berlin and
Zürich: Piper.
Baraga, Friedrich. 2017. Geschichte, Character, Sitten und Gebräuche der nor-
damerikanischen Indier. Ed. Clemens Gütl. Hamburg: Tredition Verlag.
Castro-Gómez, Santiago. 2010. “The Missing Chapter of Empire: Postmod-
ern Reorganization of Coloniality and Post-Fordist Capitalism.” In Glo-
balization and the Decolonial Option, ed. Walter D. Mignolo and Ar-
turo Escobar, 281–302. London and New York: Routledge.
Cherniavsky, Eva. 2001. “Tribalism, Globalism, and Eskimo Television in
Leslie Marmon Silko’s Almanac of the Dead.” Angelaki: Journal of The-
oretical Humanities 6, no. 1: 111–126.
Cheyfitz, Eric. 2006. “The (Post)Colonial Construction of Indian Country.
U.S. American Indian Literatures and Federal Indian Law.” In The Co-
lumbia Guide to American Indian Literatures of the United States since
1945, ed. Eric Cheyfitz, 3–124. New York: Columbia University Press.
Dyck, Reginald. 2009. “Indigenous Ways of Knowing Capitalism in Simon
Ortiz’s Fight Back.” In Crisscrossing Borders in Literature of the Ameri-
can West, ed. Reginald Dyck in Cheli Reutter, 97–115. New York: Pal-
grave Macmillan.
Engels, Friedrich. 2000. The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the
State: in the Light of the Researches of Lewis H. Morgan. Marx/Engels In-
nial discourse and to the preclusive opposition between the two discours-
es; he participates in both discourses. However, is such a ‘polymorphous
discourse’ (ibid.) still possible, four decades after he published this book?
This article tries to follow Todorov’s model. In analyzing literary and
non-literary texts, as well as referring to theories, it is part of a systemat-
ic discourse, in connecting the results it approaches a narrative. It tries to
show how different types of stories and discourses, in different times and
languages, participate in the construction of social realities; while it is it-
self part of these discourses. Still many questions remain open. Mignolo
poses a crucial one: “Was erkennen, wie begreifen und wozu?” (Migno-
lo 2012, 168)
Works Cited
Alexie, Sherman. 2012. Blasphemy. Melbourne: Scribe.
———. 2016. “Hey, Look, the Abyss!” The Stranger, April 15. https://www.
Allen, Paula Gunn. 1992. The Sacred Hoop. Boston: Beacon Press.
Arendt, Hannah. 2017. Eichmann in Jerusalem. München, Berlin and
Zürich: Piper.
Baraga, Friedrich. 2017. Geschichte, Character, Sitten und Gebräuche der nor-
damerikanischen Indier. Ed. Clemens Gütl. Hamburg: Tredition Verlag.
Castro-Gómez, Santiago. 2010. “The Missing Chapter of Empire: Postmod-
ern Reorganization of Coloniality and Post-Fordist Capitalism.” In Glo-
balization and the Decolonial Option, ed. Walter D. Mignolo and Ar-
turo Escobar, 281–302. London and New York: Routledge.
Cherniavsky, Eva. 2001. “Tribalism, Globalism, and Eskimo Television in
Leslie Marmon Silko’s Almanac of the Dead.” Angelaki: Journal of The-
oretical Humanities 6, no. 1: 111–126.
Cheyfitz, Eric. 2006. “The (Post)Colonial Construction of Indian Country.
U.S. American Indian Literatures and Federal Indian Law.” In The Co-
lumbia Guide to American Indian Literatures of the United States since
1945, ed. Eric Cheyfitz, 3–124. New York: Columbia University Press.
Dyck, Reginald. 2009. “Indigenous Ways of Knowing Capitalism in Simon
Ortiz’s Fight Back.” In Crisscrossing Borders in Literature of the Ameri-
can West, ed. Reginald Dyck in Cheli Reutter, 97–115. New York: Pal-
grave Macmillan.
Engels, Friedrich. 2000. The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the
State: in the Light of the Researches of Lewis H. Morgan. Marx/Engels In-