Page 37 - Sember, Vedrana, and Shawnda A. Morrison. 2018. The Mind-Body Connection. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 37
Physical Education

Education System
Education system in European Union is classified by International
Standard Classification of Education – ISCED 2011 (UNESCO In-
stitute for Statistics, 2012). ISCED provides framework for present-
ing national education data in comparable manner – internation-
ally agreed categories (Eurydice, 2014): Early Childhood Educa-
tion (ISCED 0), Primary education (ISCED 1), Lower secondary
education (ISCED 2), Upper secondary education (ISCED 3), Post-
secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 4), Short-cycle tertiary
education (ISCED 5), Bachelors’ or equivalent level (ISCED 6) and
Master’s or equivalent level (ISCED 7). Fort-two education systems
are included covering 37 countries from Europe continent (28 Mem-
ber States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechten-
stein, Montenegro, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Nor-
way, Serbia and Turkey).

Main organisational models in Europe are divided into Early
childhood education and care (ECEC) and Compulsory education
(EURYDICE, 2015). In ECEC structure, two main forms can be dis-
tinguished (EURYDICE, 2015): unitary system (programmes and
settings are provided for whole pre-school range and services and
educational guidelines cover entire ECEC range) and split system
(children are divided in settings for younger and older pre-school
children, where educational guidelines are only provided for older
children). Compulsory education consists of three main models
of organisation in European countries (EURYDICE, 2015): Single

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