Page 207 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 207
Culturally Sound Midwifery Care for Migrant Mothers

Table 1 Means and Standard Deviations (SD) for CAS Statements

Statement () ()

Midwifery teachers appropriately address the topic of different cultures in mid- . .
wifery practice.

Midwifery program provides opportunities for activities relating to multicultur- . .

During midwifery studies, my knowledge of multiculturalism has improved. . .

The experiences I gained during midwifery studies educated me about the . .
health problems that afflict members of different cultural groups.

I think my beliefs and attitudes are influenced by the culture which I live in. . .

I believe my attitudes are constructed by my culture. . .

I often think about the ways culture influences beliefs and attitudes of an indi- . .

When there is an opportunity to help someone, I less often do it for members . .
of certain cultural groups.

I am less patient with members of certain cultures. . .

I enjoy working with patients of diverse ethnic groups. . .

I think that a midwife’s personal beliefs influence her decisions on midwifery . .

I usually feel awkward when I am in the company of people from other cultural . .
and ethnic groups.

I noticed that midwifery teachers talk to students from a certain culture when . .
there is an issue related to the classmates from the same ethnic minority.

When there is a discussion within our class, I noticed that midwifery teachers . .
strive against excluding any students.

I believe that a student’s cultural values influence his/her behaviour in the . .
classroom (e.g. asking questions, participating in a group, commenting etc.).

Midwifery teachers behave in a way that excludes students of certain cultures. . .

I think it is a midwifery teacher’s job to adapt to different learning needs of stu- . .

In the course of teaching, midwifery teachers sovereignly discuss intercultural . .

Midwifery teachers appear keen to find out how their teaching behaviour can . .
dissuade students from a certain ethnic group or culture.

I think that cultural values of those who teach midwifery influence their be- . .
haviours in a clinical setting.

I think that experiences from theoretical midwifery teachings impact students . .
in a way that they feel less awkward interacting with people from different cul-
tural backgrounds.

I think that some aspects of theoretical midwifery teachings could discourage . .
students of certain cultures.

I am not uncomfortable discussing intercultural topics in class. . .

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