Page 89 - S. Ličen, I. Karnjuš, & M. Prosen (Eds.). (2019). Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare. Koper, University of Primorska Press.
P. 89
Use of Modern Contraceptive Methods among Migrant Women Living in Slovenia

Table 2 Current Use of Contraceptive Methods among the Migrant Women

Contraceptive methods (n = ) n 

Modern methods Oral contraceptive pills  .
Condom  .
Traditional methods Diaphragm
Others Intrauterine device  .
None Subcutaneous implants  .
Patches  .
Hormonal injections  .
Rhythm method  .
Withdrawal  .
 .
 .
 .

Notes Multiple responses allowed.

Table 3 Knowledge of Contraceptive Methods among the Migrant Women

Contraceptive methods (n = ) n 

Modern methods Oral contraceptive pills  .
Condom  .
Diaphragm  .
Intrauterine device  .
Subcutaneous implants  .
Patches  .
Hormonal injections  .

Notes Multiple responses allowed.

tion regarding the type of contraception used by women, 41 (78.8) partic-
ipants stated this is exclusively the decision of the woman, 4 (7.7) partici-
pants stated this is a joint decision of the two partners and 4 (7.7.) stated
that it is a decision of the husband/partner.

Factors Associated with the Use of Contraceptive Methods

Table 4 presents an analysis of factors associated with the migrant women’s
use of contraceptive methods. Two main factors influencing the use of con-
traception are knowledge regarding modern contraceptive methods and the
partner’s attitude to their use. In fact, migrant women with better knowledge
of modern contraceptive methods were more likely to use them. Further, if
the partner has a positive attitude to contraception use there is a greater
probability the woman will use it. We were unable to determine the influ-

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