Page 110 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 110
avje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents 108 – Negative: more confused than before, harder to follow events than
before, improved balance problems, feeling more irritable or un-
wanted than before, feeling worse than before.

3. Comparison with the condition before the respondent began to
train judo: physically noticeably more skilled, better digestion than
before, better balance than before, less marked irregularly moving
patterns than before, more energy, feels better.

4. Functional improvement: more comfortable to dress and undress
on her/his own, more skillful at tying the shoe laces, better man-
ual skills, more independent in self-care, more accurate does dai-
ly tasks, more insisting on daily tasks, more stable when walking or

The respondents answered on the four point forced choice scale. For the
questions about feeling the values “never” (1), “seldom” (2), “often” (3), and “al-
ways” (4) were used, and for the other two groups “strongly disagree”(1), “disa-
gree” (2), “agree” (3), and “strongly agree”(4).

The scores for each group were computed as the average of the answers
to questions of the group. The one tailed t-test for the difference of the averages
from the middle of the scale dividing the rare events from the frequent ones on
the feeling groups of questions, and agreement disagreement on the other two.

The main theoretically significant result of the pilot study is a pervasive percep-
tion of positive influence of the regular practice on the diverse abilities judokas’
condition and their feeling (Table 1).

Both negative parts of the questions about feeling before and after the ju-
do practice have averages well below 2, meaning that negative feeling connect-
ed to the judo practice is very rare with the diverse abilities judokas.

With the positive feeling it is the other way around. Especially the pos-
itive anticipation of the judo practice is very frequent, as average score is well
above the “often” mark. Similar high scores were reached in the other two
groups of questions.
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