Page 13 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 13
Based on the available literature we restricted our focus on 10 studies. Differ-
ent methodologies were used, examining the link between use of SM and men-
tal health of children and adolescent (Table 1).
Table 1: Overview of studies
Authors and year Purpose of research Methodology Results
Aksha et al., 2018 Adolescents who spent
Elmquist and McLaugh- Examine the role of on- A systematic literature more time on online so-
lin, 2017 line social networking review cial networking have a
on deliberate self-harm greater exposure and en-
Hugues et al., 2015 and suicidality in ado- gagement in self-harm
lescents behavior. They also have
Hyun-soo Kim, 2017 an increase in psycho-
Memon et al., 2018 The use of SM, specif- A systematic literature logical distress and sui- the impact of social media on the children mental health 11
O’Reilly et al., 2018 ically in adolescents review cidal ideation.
Pantic et al., 2012 struggling with mental
health problems. There are positive and
negative impacts of SM
Association between on mental health.
time spent on social net-
working sites and mental Cross-sectional study Students with poor men-
health among children (n=753) tal health are greater us-
ers of Social network-
and adolescents. ing sites (SNS). The
youth who reported use
Associations between Longitudinal study (Co- of SNS for more than 2
Internet-based SM and hort 1 n=3449, Cohort 2 hours per day have poor
psychological well-being n=2844) self-rated mental health,
of adolescents. psychological distress,
suicidal ideation, or un-
Evidence of the influence met need for mental
of SM use on adolescent A systematic literature health support.
deliberate self-harm and review There is a strong and
suicidality negative relationship be-
tween online activities
Effect of SM on adoles- Qualitative study, focus and self-reported mental
cents groups of adolescents health and suicidal idea-
(n=54) tion among students.
Greater time spent on
Rlationship between so- Cross-sectional study online social networking
cial networking and de- (n=160) leads to greater exposure
pression indicators in and engagement in self-
adolescent population harm behaviour.
SM was perceived as a
threat to mental wellbe-
ing, causing mood and
anxiety disorders for
some adolescents
Students who spent time
on online social net-
working in high school
are related to the risk for
Based on the available literature we restricted our focus on 10 studies. Differ-
ent methodologies were used, examining the link between use of SM and men-
tal health of children and adolescent (Table 1).
Table 1: Overview of studies
Authors and year Purpose of research Methodology Results
Aksha et al., 2018 Adolescents who spent
Elmquist and McLaugh- Examine the role of on- A systematic literature more time on online so-
lin, 2017 line social networking review cial networking have a
on deliberate self-harm greater exposure and en-
Hugues et al., 2015 and suicidality in ado- gagement in self-harm
lescents behavior. They also have
Hyun-soo Kim, 2017 an increase in psycho-
Memon et al., 2018 The use of SM, specif- A systematic literature logical distress and sui- the impact of social media on the children mental health 11
O’Reilly et al., 2018 ically in adolescents review cidal ideation.
Pantic et al., 2012 struggling with mental
health problems. There are positive and
negative impacts of SM
Association between on mental health.
time spent on social net-
working sites and mental Cross-sectional study Students with poor men-
health among children (n=753) tal health are greater us-
ers of Social network-
and adolescents. ing sites (SNS). The
youth who reported use
Associations between Longitudinal study (Co- of SNS for more than 2
Internet-based SM and hort 1 n=3449, Cohort 2 hours per day have poor
psychological well-being n=2844) self-rated mental health,
of adolescents. psychological distress,
suicidal ideation, or un-
Evidence of the influence met need for mental
of SM use on adolescent A systematic literature health support.
deliberate self-harm and review There is a strong and
suicidality negative relationship be-
tween online activities
Effect of SM on adoles- Qualitative study, focus and self-reported mental
cents groups of adolescents health and suicidal idea-
(n=54) tion among students.
Greater time spent on
Rlationship between so- Cross-sectional study online social networking
cial networking and de- (n=160) leads to greater exposure
pression indicators in and engagement in self-
adolescent population harm behaviour.
SM was perceived as a
threat to mental wellbe-
ing, causing mood and
anxiety disorders for
some adolescents
Students who spent time
on online social net-
working in high school
are related to the risk for