Page 155 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 155
le 1: Overview of studies

Author/year Purpose of research Methodology Results

Dawson et al., 2018 To explore the impact of Pre and post camp, Enhancement of social
camp participation on semi-structured, networks for youth with
enhancing reciprocal re- open-ended interviews. physical
lationships among chil- disabilities during camp
dren and adolescents. experience (improve-
ment of
Devine et al., 2015 To examine the relation- Nonexperimental, pre/ friendships and other the effects of therapeutic camps for children and youth with disabilities 153
Harper, 2017 ship between social ac- post and a 10-week fol- support connections).
Javalkar et al., 2017 ceptance and health-re- low-up design. Disability specific resi-
lated quality of life for A scoping review. dential camps may have
youth attending a resi- an impact on social ac-
dential summer camp. ceptance and perceived
To identify and articulate health related quality
the extant literature of of life.
outdoor adventure pro- Therapeutic camps are
grams and approaches underrepresented in the
found in child and youth literature, underappreci-
care literature. ated in practice and re-
quire specific training
To determine child-re- Cross-sectional survey. and research.
lated predictors and risk Childrenā€˜s number of
factors for caregiver bur- medicines, injections and
den among parents of a diagnosis of ADHD,
children with chronic frequent PCP and ER vis-
conditions. its and lower child self-ef-
ficacy are predictors of
Kornhaber et al., 2019 To examine the effect of A systematic review. increased caregiver bur-
burn camps on the psy- den.
chosocial wellbeing of Burn camps are beneficial
child burn survivors. for children with burn in-
juries (improving psycho-
Moola et al., 2013 Assessment of the psy- A systematic review of social outcomes among
chosocial impact of camp literature. the camp participants,
for children with chronic specifically in terms of
illnesses. improved confidence and
social skills).
White et al., 2016 To examine how a camp Pre and post camp, Possibility of potential
for children with CHD semi-structured, use of camps as psycho-
impacts parental psycho- open-ended interviews. social intervention in
social well-being. pediatrics.
Parents perceived that
camps improve the inde-
pendence of their chil-
dren and on the other
hand they are less pro-
tective to them, relieved,
distressed and have the
opportunity to spend
time with partners, other
children and friends.

Different therapeutic recreation camps have been considered as effective
environment for improving psychosocial well-being of children with disabil-
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