Page 20 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 20
avje otrok in mladostnikov | health of children and adolescents 18 the health and education centre. Within the CKZ, the Health Promotion Pro-
gramme (hereinafter referred to as PKZ) was organized. It is intended as a non-
medication treatment for people with a high risk of chronic illness or those
who have already become ill with chronic non-contagious diseases. As a great
achievement, in the PKZ a branch functions in the field of the implementation
of treatment and prevention activities for children and adolescents. This new
intervention is called the Programme for Family Treatment for Reducing Obe-
sity. It systematically recognizes, and masters the over-nutrition with obese
children, and children with a reduced physical capacity (Dravec et al., 2017).
Blaž Kovač (2016, pp. 18) states »The aim of the programme is to teach children
and their parents how to eat healthily and to encourage to activity, which will
have a long – term effect on weight management.«

The programme is intended for children of the 3rd grade in adolescents of
6th grade with obesity signs, and their parents. The main purpose of the pro-
gram is to identify vulnerable children from selected primary schools who are
involved in the project, to support them, and promote a lifestyle change that
is crucial to prevent the onset of illness. In order to treat children individually
and wholly, the involved team of specialists consists of a paediatrician, a nurse,
a psychologist, a dietitian and a kinesiologist (Dravec et al., 2017).

Structured section
The pilot programme leader was supposed to be a selected project paediatri-
cian. In our tenders, it was not possible to obtain it within our institution, so
the work was distributed among three regular paediatricians in the institution.
As a team we decided unanimously that coordinating and coordinating activ-
ities among the team members would be taken over by a graduate nurse. The
project did not foresee such an important role of a nurse as it actually showed
during the course of the programme. The nurse represented the coordinator of
the programme and thus ensured teaming with paediatricians, planning and
coordinating activities (meetings, team meetings, check-ups, individual con-
sultations with team members). The coordinator ensured that the work was
carried out in accordance with the timetable, and she took care of connecting
parents and children with project paediatricians and team members. The nurse
was involved in workshops together with a dietitian, and her important role
was shown in inviting and carrying out control checks together with paediatri-
cians, both for responsive and non-responsive children who did not agree with
the decision, whose monitoring was scheduled for three months. According to
the joint agreement, individual consultations with the children and their par-
ents were carried out before the check-ups, in which the nurse also performed
anthropometric measurements (analysis of the body composition and band-
width). With the help of a structured motivational talk, team members learned
more about their current eating and activity habits, shaped their goals togeth-
er, and motivated them to change them. The nurse ensured that the controls of
children and parents together with the paediatrician were successful by collect-
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