Page 35 - Petelin, Ana, et al. 2019. Eds. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 35
sources were collected, analyzed and synthesized. We obtained the prima- addiction to social networks among adolescents 33
ry data for the analysis using the survey technique. For the theoretical part, we
used professional and scientific literature, which we obtained through interna-
tional databases in the field of addiction.

For the purpose of the research a closed questionnaire was prepared,
based on a review of foreign and domestic literature. We used the 5-level Likert
scale to determine the respondents’ opinions. The first set of questions relates
to demographic data, while the second part is the research part. The research
was conducted among 184 full-time students of the higher education profes-
sional study program Nursing Care at the University of Novo Mesto Faculty
of Health Sciences (UNM FHS) in March 2019. To collect data we used online
surveys for students of UNM FHS. The survey was conducted through an on-
line application for surveying The consent by UNM FHS was ob�-
tained. We provided anonymous and voluntary surveying. The collected da-
ta were computerized with Microsoft Office Excel; they were analyzed and the
findings written in the research discussion chapter. At all stages of data col-
lection and processing, ethical principles of research were taken into account.

The research involved 184 full time UNM FHS students, 33 (18%) male students
and 151 (82%) female students, mostly aged between 18 and 25 years.

34% of students talk to friends on the phone or by using the internet
(through applications such as Skype, Face Time, Viber, Whatsapp) several
times a day; the same percentage of students talk in such a way every day. Sev-
eral times a day via instant messaging (via Windows messenger, chat via Face-
book, Blackberry messenger) chat 48% of students, 31% on a daily basis, and
not every day, but at least once a week 11% of students. In addition, 31% of stu-
dents regularly contact their friends several times a day via other social net-
works, such as Facebook, My Space, Twitter, Apps (Instagram), Tumblr, games
(Xbox), YouTube, 26% on a daily basis, and 16% at least once a week or not every

85% of students do not come into conflict with family members due to
the use of the internet. 15% of students ignore their study obligations because
the use of online networks takes their time, and 10% of students admit that
their effectiveness or performance at school has decreased as a result of using
the internet. 13% of students are being warned by their family that they spend
too much time on computers. 23% think that the use of online networks relax-
es them. 25% of students spend their free time on the internet or by using their
mobile device. 35% of students surf the internet for no apparent reason, or while
searching for concrete information they forget what they were looking for and
follow something completely different. To 12% of students the use of online so-
cial networks represents the most important contact with friends. 26% of stu-
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40