Page 125 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 125
inclusion of didactic tools in nutrition education ikt rešitve in storitve | ict solutions and services
Martina Erjavšek, Stojan Kostanjevec
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
To meet nutrition education goals, various active work methods that include
didactic tools are used to stimulate participants in education to get actively in-
volved in the education process. In the teaching and learning process, it is im-
portant that didactic tools encourage pupils in their activities, their communi-
cation skills and interaction among participants in the education. An example
of a didactic tool with the above-mentioned qualities are nutrition cards, in-
tended to convey knowledge of nutritional and energy value of foodstuffs, and
they are suitable in various ways to be included in the process of nutrition lit-
eracy. Information and communication technology (ICT) is often included in
the education process in order to help participants to acquire and consolidate
new knowledge. Computer-based educational games represent an important
part of ICT in the education of children and young people. Computer games
that simulate everyday life, at the same time dealing with nutrition contents
and food-related behaviour of players, have an important motivational role in
acquiring and transferring knowledge into various life situations, and in form-
ing desired behaviours. In the process of nutrition education and literacy, the
selection and use of appropriate didactic tools may significantly influence both
the quality of learning process and the motivation of participants to transfer the
acquired knowledge into everyday life and to improve their nutrition literacy.
Keywords: nutrition education, nutrition literacy, didactic tools, nutrition
cards, information and communication technology
Martina Erjavšek, Stojan Kostanjevec
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
To meet nutrition education goals, various active work methods that include
didactic tools are used to stimulate participants in education to get actively in-
volved in the education process. In the teaching and learning process, it is im-
portant that didactic tools encourage pupils in their activities, their communi-
cation skills and interaction among participants in the education. An example
of a didactic tool with the above-mentioned qualities are nutrition cards, in-
tended to convey knowledge of nutritional and energy value of foodstuffs, and
they are suitable in various ways to be included in the process of nutrition lit-
eracy. Information and communication technology (ICT) is often included in
the education process in order to help participants to acquire and consolidate
new knowledge. Computer-based educational games represent an important
part of ICT in the education of children and young people. Computer games
that simulate everyday life, at the same time dealing with nutrition contents
and food-related behaviour of players, have an important motivational role in
acquiring and transferring knowledge into various life situations, and in form-
ing desired behaviours. In the process of nutrition education and literacy, the
selection and use of appropriate didactic tools may significantly influence both
the quality of learning process and the motivation of participants to transfer the
acquired knowledge into everyday life and to improve their nutrition literacy.
Keywords: nutrition education, nutrition literacy, didactic tools, nutrition
cards, information and communication technology