Page 131 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 131
ital competences of nursing students and young digital natives ikt rešitve in storitve | ict solutions and services
Andreja Kvas, Marija Milavec Kapun, Tina Gogova
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Net Generation represents a challenge for healthcare professionals to
adapt their work to the new environment and the needs of patients. Because
of their stay in the virtual world, young people have formed different values,
their mutual relations and way of communication and lifestyle changed. They
have different, unknown health problems. The goal of the DigiNurse interna-
tional project is to develop a model for student education to work with pa-
tients, who are using digital solutions to support health and well-being. The
project includes health care and IT professionals from Finland, Belgium, Por-
tugal and Slovenia. The concept of digital competences is relatively new and is
constantly changing due to rapidly evolving digital technology. For patients with
various illnesses, good self-care is important, with the appropriate support of
health professionals. For digital natives and immigrants, it makes sense to use
the available digital technology. In order to provide good professional support
to these patients for self-care, relevant digital (health) competencies and the
knowledge and attitude of professionals towards digital technologies are im-
portant. It is therefore important to develop these competencies in both nurs-
ing students and health care professionals. By designing the DigiNurse model,
we want to contribute to the theoretical fundamentals for a successful increase
in digital health competences among nursing students, which can contribute to
a more effective healthcare treatment for patients.
Keywords: nurse, digital health competence, DigiNurse model, education
Andreja Kvas, Marija Milavec Kapun, Tina Gogova
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Net Generation represents a challenge for healthcare professionals to
adapt their work to the new environment and the needs of patients. Because
of their stay in the virtual world, young people have formed different values,
their mutual relations and way of communication and lifestyle changed. They
have different, unknown health problems. The goal of the DigiNurse interna-
tional project is to develop a model for student education to work with pa-
tients, who are using digital solutions to support health and well-being. The
project includes health care and IT professionals from Finland, Belgium, Por-
tugal and Slovenia. The concept of digital competences is relatively new and is
constantly changing due to rapidly evolving digital technology. For patients with
various illnesses, good self-care is important, with the appropriate support of
health professionals. For digital natives and immigrants, it makes sense to use
the available digital technology. In order to provide good professional support
to these patients for self-care, relevant digital (health) competencies and the
knowledge and attitude of professionals towards digital technologies are im-
portant. It is therefore important to develop these competencies in both nurs-
ing students and health care professionals. By designing the DigiNurse model,
we want to contribute to the theoretical fundamentals for a successful increase
in digital health competences among nursing students, which can contribute to
a more effective healthcare treatment for patients.
Keywords: nurse, digital health competence, DigiNurse model, education