Page 147 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 147
act of the environment and objects in preschool institutions otrok in mladostnik – okolje | child and adolescent - environment
on the healthy growth and development of children
Ivan Dijanošić1, Boris Iliev1, Danijela Domljan1, Olja Dijanošić2
1 University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry, Department of Furniture and Wood
Products, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
2 Primary School Ludbreg, Ul. Andrije Kačića Miošića 17, 42230 Ludbreg, Croatia
Physical space and products such as toys, furniture and other products in pre-
school institutions have a great influence on children's psychophysical develop-
ment. Events and experiences of using the product and environment during
early childhood strongly influence the formation of attitudes and behaviors of
a person in later life. In the pre-school period, great changes are taking place
in social interaction, in speech, in memory, in thinking, as in all other functions.
Today, many children are playing indoors, most occupied by video and com-
puter games and watching television, so the importance of using sensory toys,
games and playing in the open is becoming increasingly important. Unfortu-
nately, the availability of these products is poor, and if it exists, or is of non-eco-
logical material or overrated. The paper analyzes the present appearance of
space and the availability of products in kindergartens in the Republic of Croa-
tia and the Czech Republic.
Keywords: preschool environment, children’s health, play, didactic products,
on the healthy growth and development of children
Ivan Dijanošić1, Boris Iliev1, Danijela Domljan1, Olja Dijanošić2
1 University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry, Department of Furniture and Wood
Products, Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
2 Primary School Ludbreg, Ul. Andrije Kačića Miošića 17, 42230 Ludbreg, Croatia
Physical space and products such as toys, furniture and other products in pre-
school institutions have a great influence on children's psychophysical develop-
ment. Events and experiences of using the product and environment during
early childhood strongly influence the formation of attitudes and behaviors of
a person in later life. In the pre-school period, great changes are taking place
in social interaction, in speech, in memory, in thinking, as in all other functions.
Today, many children are playing indoors, most occupied by video and com-
puter games and watching television, so the importance of using sensory toys,
games and playing in the open is becoming increasingly important. Unfortu-
nately, the availability of these products is poor, and if it exists, or is of non-eco-
logical material or overrated. The paper analyzes the present appearance of
space and the availability of products in kindergartens in the Republic of Croa-
tia and the Czech Republic.
Keywords: preschool environment, children’s health, play, didactic products,