Page 57 - Petelin, Ana, et al. Eds. 2019. Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov / Health of Children and Adolescents. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 57
ool camp for children with long-term illness psihosocialno zdravje v otroštvu in v mladosti | psychosocial health in childhood and youth
Urška Frantar
Elementary School Komenda Moste, Glavarjeva cesta 37, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia
School camp is important for children not only because of learning contents,
but also plays an important role in the independence of the child, socialization,
relationships with classmates and teachers. Children with long-term illness and
their parents are often afraid of going to school camp and suggest that the child
would be at home at the time. If it is possible, all pupils should attend it. The
key is the good cooperation between teachers and parents, who should pro-
vide medical reports to the school, and may also offer their own suggestions as
they know their child most. Children with long-term illness are those who have
a long-term or chronic illness or disorder lasting longer than three months.
Diseases are very different to each other, so we look at each child individual-
ly. However, for most, common features are: taking medicines, feeling nausea,
having lower concentration, quickly getting tired, cannot do longer or more
strenuous physical activity. Child with long-term illness needs an additional as-
sistant that is a class teacher or a special pedagogue, someone who knows the
child well. He takes care of medicines, as children in a non-home situation of-
ten forget taking them. He is also the child's trustee, the person the child can
turn to at any time, and makes it as unobtrusive as possible. Regarding his med-
ical condition all the activities are planned in advance and adjusted if necessary,
additional transport is provided or alternative activities are arranged.
Keywords: school camp, long-term illness, adaptations
Urška Frantar
Elementary School Komenda Moste, Glavarjeva cesta 37, 1218 Komenda, Slovenia
School camp is important for children not only because of learning contents,
but also plays an important role in the independence of the child, socialization,
relationships with classmates and teachers. Children with long-term illness and
their parents are often afraid of going to school camp and suggest that the child
would be at home at the time. If it is possible, all pupils should attend it. The
key is the good cooperation between teachers and parents, who should pro-
vide medical reports to the school, and may also offer their own suggestions as
they know their child most. Children with long-term illness are those who have
a long-term or chronic illness or disorder lasting longer than three months.
Diseases are very different to each other, so we look at each child individual-
ly. However, for most, common features are: taking medicines, feeling nausea,
having lower concentration, quickly getting tired, cannot do longer or more
strenuous physical activity. Child with long-term illness needs an additional as-
sistant that is a class teacher or a special pedagogue, someone who knows the
child well. He takes care of medicines, as children in a non-home situation of-
ten forget taking them. He is also the child's trustee, the person the child can
turn to at any time, and makes it as unobtrusive as possible. Regarding his med-
ical condition all the activities are planned in advance and adjusted if necessary,
additional transport is provided or alternative activities are arranged.
Keywords: school camp, long-term illness, adaptations