Page 19 - Experience the University of Primorska: Welcome Guide for Exchange Students. Eds. Tatjana Mikelić Goja, Maja Bratuš Vidmar, Petra Zidar. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 19
rd-country Nationals

A national of a third country who wishes to enter and reside in the Republic of Slovenia for
the purposes of a tourist, business, personal or other type of visit should obtain a visa1 at a
diplomatic mission or consular post of the Republic of Slovenia prior to their entering the co-
untry, unless they come from a group of countries which do not require a visa or if they are
already in possession of one of the following permissions.

The first temporary residence permit for non-EU nationals may be issued after entry into
Slovenia under certain conditions stipulated by law to international students who are lawful-
ly residing in Slovenia on the basis of a valid passport or identity card (where no visa is requi-
red), Visa Type C2 or a valid residence permit issued for study purposes in another EU mem-
ber state, or Visa Type D3 issued for study purposes in another EU member state. Within
the 90 day period or after the expiration of Visa Type D, they are obliged to apply for a first
residence permit at the relevant administrative unit.

The non-EU nationals who have a valid residence permit issued by another state that is party
to the Schengen Agreement, may enter the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of this permit
and a valid travel document and stay there for no longer than three months in a six-month
period, which includes the combined duration of their stay in all Schengen States except for
the state which issued the visa, starting on the date of the first entry into one of Schengen

1 To obtain a visa, a third-country national must submit a relevant visa application form and required
d­ ocumentation, which can be different to that in their local country. The list of required documentation is
posted on the webpage of the diplomatic mission or consular post, which has the authority to issue visas.
During the procedure, the applicant must also present a guarantee letter, authenticated at the nearest ad-
ministrative unit.

2 A uniform visa (Type C) is a permission to enter the country and is issued to a third-country national for
a short-term stay (up to 90 days). The visa application is deposited at the Schengen country which is the
goal of the travel and not just any country. This type of visas can be issued for Slovenia by other Schengen
countries if they have a valid agreement on visa matters.

3 Visa Type D or a national visa gives a permission to enter and stay in the country for the duration of more
than 90 days and less than one year. This visa may be issued to certain categories of third-country nation-
als, which are defined in Article 20 of the Aliens Act. Third-country nationals who do not require a visa
may also apply for it. Type D visa can not be extended. The holder of a visa can apply for a residence per-
mit directly at an administrative unit.

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