Page 143 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2020. Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela ▪︎ The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4
P. 143
towar ds a genuine university status ...

he was already an accomplished pianist, formed by that remarka-
ble Miss Florica Musicescu, whom he worshipped, and a true com-
poser, armed by Mihail Jora with sound knowledge of this art.11
In 1931, Constantin Silvestri is admitted at the Royal Academy of Mu-

sic, concomitantly following two specialisations, piano and music theory.
His artistic individuality immediately caught the attention of his teachers.
Later, between 1948 and 1959, Silvestri, composer, pianist, conductor of the
greatest Romanian orchestras and of many internationally acclaimed en-
sembles, would also become one of the Conservatory’s dedicated teachers,
succeeding in establishing a scientific method in teaching.

Ionel Perlea taught orchestral conducting from 1938, while also being
conductor of the Romanian Opera Orchestra and of the Radio Orchestra.
After World War II, he had an international career, leading many of the
world’s important ensembles. Like Alfonso Castaldi before them, Ionel
P­ erlea, Constantin Silvestri, and George Georgescu12 were both exceptional
teachers and great conductors.

World War II would brutally interrupt the stability acquired in the in-
terwar period, after only two decades of development and build-up. A som-
bre destiny would await Romania, and the Conservatory, too, would have to
withstand these trials that history subjected the entire Romanian society to.


Cosma, Octavian Lazăr. Universitatea Națională de Muzică din București la 140
de ani [National University of Music Bucharest on its 140th Birthday]. Vol. 2.
Bucharest: UNMB Publishing House, 2008.

Pârvulescu, Ioana. În intimitatea secolului 19 [In the Intimacy of the 19th Centu-
ry]. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2005.

Pârvulescu, Ioana. Întoarcere în Bucureștiul interbelic [A Return to the Interwar
Bucharest]. Bucharest: Humanitas, 2006.

Rădulescu, Antigona. Odiseea muzicală / Musical Odyssey 1864–2014. Bucharest:
Editura UNMB, 2014.

Tănăsescu, Dragoș, and Grigore Bărgăuanu. Dinu Lipatti. Bucharest: Edtura Mu-
zicală, 2000.

The Archive of the National University of Music Bucharest.

11 Dragoș Tănăsescu and Grigore Bărgăuanu, Dinu Lipatti (București: Editura Muzi-
cală, 2000), 45.

12 Conductor and director of the Romanian Philharmonic Orchestra (1920–44, 1953–

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