Page 390 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2020. Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela ▪︎ The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4
P. 390
konservator iji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela

at the secondary school: Alisa Bešević, Stanica Botorić and Ljubica Marži-
nec;20 and another three were employed as honorary piano teachers at the
secondary school: Jelena Nenadović, Stanojlo Rajičić (who would later be-
come Professor of Composition) and Danica Stanisavljević.21 In subsequent
years they would be joined by Olga Mihailović Milošević (in 1939), Mirosla-
va Mokranjac (in 1940), Desanka Velimirović (in 1944) and Milka Đaja (in
1945), and some of the teachers previously employed at the Secondary mu-
sic school would also transfer to teach at the Academy.22 Except for Stanica
Botorić, all of those professors remained at the Academy until they retired.
The Ministry of Education had a final say as to the appointment of teaching
staff, sometimes opposing the recommendations and decisions of the Pro-
fessors’ Council of the Academy.23 Many of the newly appointed professors
of piano had previously taught at music schools “Mokranjac” and “Stank-
ović”, hence both schools were left in peril, not the least because those who
transferred to the Academy were the most experienced and distinguished

After the end of World War II and in subsequent years, the first group
of young assistants, members of the first generations who graduated from
the Belgrade Music Academy joined the piano department: Milica Stojano-
vić Marjanović, Vera Veljkov Medaković, Vlastimir Škarka, Arsen Triva,
Olga Dušanić Popov, Dušan Trbojević, Olivera Đurđević, Katarina Aći-
mović and Darinka Mihailović Pavlović.25 Other professors who joined the
piano department after the war were Andreja Preger (educated in Leipzig),
as well as Melita Lorković, Stanka Vrinjanin Hiršl and Mirjana Vukdrago-
vić, all three of them graduates of the Music Academy in Zagreb, in the
class of the acclaimed professor Svetislav Stančić.

20 Ibid.
21 Ibid., 44.
22 See the list of the teaching staff at the Academy in the period from 1937 to 1961 in:

Predrag Milošević, ed., Dvadeset pet godina Muzičke akademije u Beogradu 1937–
1962 [Twenty-Five Years of the Music Academy in Belgrade 1937–1962] (Belgrade:
Music Academy, 1962), 98–103.
23 See Perković, “Trajni déjà vu,” 210.
24 On the circumstances in which “Mokranjac” resumed its work after a major loss of its
teaching staff, see: Vera Zečević, “Škola od 1914. do 1948. godine” [The School from
1914 to 1948], in Muzička škola “Mokranjac” 1899–1974 [Music School “Mokranjac”
1899–1974], ed. Vera Zečević (Belgrade: Music School “Mokranjac”, 1974), 64.
25 In her list of young assistants at the department, Jovičić omits Olivera Đurđević. See
Jovičić, “Katedra za klavir,” 143.

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