Page 368 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XI (2015), številka 21-22, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 368
UDC 811.163.6"15"929 Dalmatin J.
Melita Zemljak Jontes
Drushina and Obitel as technical terms from the Register of the translation of
Dalmatin’s Biblija in the dictionaries of the Slovene language on the Fran website
The article elucidates the use of the common technical terms Drushina ('family') and
Obitel ('family') from the sphere of social terminology, as Jurij Dalmatin recorded them
in the Register of his translation of Biblija. The author shows to what extent and with
which semantic markers these two technical terms occur in historical dictionaries, in
contemporary general dictionaries of the Slovene (standard) language and in termino-
logical dictionaries on the Fran website, thus showing the (non-)continuity and semantic
extension/restriction of the dictionary use of both technical terms from the 16th to the
21st centuries. The headword družina is cited in all the dictionaries dealt with, while the
headword obitelj occurs in only two of the historical dictionaries – in Besedje slovenskega
knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja and in Pleteršnik's Slovensko-nemški slovar - and in only one
general dictionary – Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika. The headword obitelj carries just
one meaning, while the headword družina has several meanings; it can refer to members
of a narrow or broad (blood) relationship or household servants or any other group of
people linked by a common goal. Terminological dictionaries offer the meanings of in-
dividual technical spheres exclusively for the headword družina; in all meanings in the
broadest sense it denotes some community, group, complete entity, family, whose narrow
technical meanings can nevertheless be linked with the basic meanings of the historical,
general and dialect dictionaries. It can be established that the example družina from social
terminology, such as Dalmatin recorded in the Register of the translation of Biblija, in the
dictionaries treated (available on the Fran website) from the 16th to the 21st centuries is
still completely alive, semantically it is also mostly represented in a relatively comparative
manner. The word družina with its animacy certainly brought about its transfer to other
technical spheres, with the common denominator of designating a group of something.
The word obitelj, also of Slavonic origin according to Pletersnik, shows animacy in the
16th century, though to a definitely smaller degree than družina, but by the end of the
19th century its use was waning, which is confirmed by it being an archaic remnant of
the language in the 21st century.
Key words: technical expressions, social terminology, Drushina, Obitel, družina,
obitelj, Jurij Dalmatin, Register, Biblija.
UDC 811.163.6"15"929 Dalmatin J.
Melita Zemljak Jontes
Drushina and Obitel as technical terms from the Register of the translation of
Dalmatin’s Biblija in the dictionaries of the Slovene language on the Fran website
The article elucidates the use of the common technical terms Drushina ('family') and
Obitel ('family') from the sphere of social terminology, as Jurij Dalmatin recorded them
in the Register of his translation of Biblija. The author shows to what extent and with
which semantic markers these two technical terms occur in historical dictionaries, in
contemporary general dictionaries of the Slovene (standard) language and in termino-
logical dictionaries on the Fran website, thus showing the (non-)continuity and semantic
extension/restriction of the dictionary use of both technical terms from the 16th to the
21st centuries. The headword družina is cited in all the dictionaries dealt with, while the
headword obitelj occurs in only two of the historical dictionaries – in Besedje slovenskega
knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja and in Pleteršnik's Slovensko-nemški slovar - and in only one
general dictionary – Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika. The headword obitelj carries just
one meaning, while the headword družina has several meanings; it can refer to members
of a narrow or broad (blood) relationship or household servants or any other group of
people linked by a common goal. Terminological dictionaries offer the meanings of in-
dividual technical spheres exclusively for the headword družina; in all meanings in the
broadest sense it denotes some community, group, complete entity, family, whose narrow
technical meanings can nevertheless be linked with the basic meanings of the historical,
general and dialect dictionaries. It can be established that the example družina from social
terminology, such as Dalmatin recorded in the Register of the translation of Biblija, in the
dictionaries treated (available on the Fran website) from the 16th to the 21st centuries is
still completely alive, semantically it is also mostly represented in a relatively comparative
manner. The word družina with its animacy certainly brought about its transfer to other
technical spheres, with the common denominator of designating a group of something.
The word obitelj, also of Slavonic origin according to Pletersnik, shows animacy in the
16th century, though to a definitely smaller degree than družina, but by the end of the
19th century its use was waning, which is confirmed by it being an archaic remnant of
the language in the 21st century.
Key words: technical expressions, social terminology, Drushina, Obitel, družina,
obitelj, Jurij Dalmatin, Register, Biblija.