Page 312 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik II (2006), številki 3-4, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 312

The final stage, the result of a long and intensive search, as is particularly
strongly attested in Dalmatin’s translation of the whole Bible in 1584, is as
follows: Whenever they recognised the construction, they used the prefix v-,
written either with or without an apostrophe, e.g., v’pasti or vpasti. In the cases
where a construction would demand a double v, the variant prefix for v- was
introduced, e.g., u’veneti or uveneti. So the development of the prefix u- in Slovene
protestant writers from the prefix v- was a Slovene development and not a direct
descendant of some protoslavonic state. In prevocalic position the form that
had first been used by Krelj was accepted, vjiti written as v’yti or vyti. In
particular instances the old prefix u- is also possible, especially with the verb
užgati, written with a prosthetic v (vužgati), and derivations of the same.

UDC 811.163.6’282(497.4 Prekmurje)"17"

Franc Kuzmič
Števan Küzmič’s Abecedarium (reading primer)

This article deals with the booklet, which unites a reading primer and a
small Catechism on eight pages. The copy is preserved in the National Szé-
chényi Library in Budapest. The author concludes that this booklet is in fact
the work of Števan Küzmič from 1753, which was thus far known about only
from second-hand sources. The author’s statement is based primarily on the
comparison with the typography of other contemporary Protestant texts in
the language of Prekmurje that were printed in the German city of Halle, as
well as with the vocabulary of Števan Küzmič’s book Vöre krstsánske krátki návuk
(1754). One of the initiatives for reading primer came from the pastor Samuel
Wilhelm Serpilius of Pressburg (Bratislava). The booklet was designed for
parents, so that they would be able to teach their children to read texts written
in their native Slovene language of Prekmurje.

UDC 242/245:22

Alojz Jembrih
From success to the statement “viel falsch” in Urachian Glagolitic
New Testament (1562, 1563)

This paper investigates the circumstances which conditioned the translation
of the New Testament into Croatian. It begins with the initial preparations and
ends with the final printing in Glagolitic alphabet at Urach’s printing house
(1562/63). Thus it deals with the Croatian protestant reformer’s circle of
translators, who gathered around Stipan Konzul Istranin (Sthephan Consul

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