Page 83 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 83
ia universitatisinteraktivne rešitve za povečanje izkustvenih doživlja- tional research projects and the regular, annual financial
7 | i. lazar in z. mileusnić – projekt as in ar heologija kot kultur ni tur izem 83 jev obiskovalcev ter vključitev parka v kulturno in tu- support from the Municipality of Izola as well as the ac-
ristično ponudbo. S projektom »AS – Arheologija za tive cooperation of the national Institute for the Preser-
vse« želimo povečati dostopnost spomenika, ga umes- vation of Heritage and its Restoration Centre.
titi v kulturno in turistično ponudbo območja, razviti The archaeological site of Simonov zaliv is a cultural
program in infrastrukturo, ki bodo omogočali delovan- monument of national importance it has been under
je arheološkega parka skozi vse leto in njegovo finančno the management of the Institute for Mediterranean
vzdržnost. Posebna pozornost zaščite spomenika bo Heritage since 2010. It features the best preserved and
namenjena mozaikom kot bistvenemu arhitekturnemu studied remains of a Roman seaside villa with a port in
segmentu arheoloških arhitekturnih ostankov. Zagot- Slovenia; however, they are not properly presented and
ovljene bodo ustrezne zaščitne konstrukcije, ki bodo accessible. The remains are at risk due to groundwater
dolgoročno zagotovile ohranitev restavriranih mozaik- and sea tides, which affect the archaeological remains.
ov. Za potrebe ustrezne prezentacije bodo restavrirane Furthermore, due to their being exposed to the open
tudi zidne arhitekturne ostaline rimske obmorske vile air, some materials are subject to accelerated process of
»in situ«, saj jih je le tako mogoče predstavljati in us- decay.
trezno interpretirati za obiskovalce. The aim of the project “AS - Archaeology for all” is to
Rezultati projekta bodo vzpostavitev interpretativnega increase the accessibility of the site, placing it in the cul-
centra v parku, konservirani in prezentirani ostanki vile tural and tourist offer of the region, as well as to devel-
in mozaikov, vzpostavitev prvega podvodnega arheološ- op a program and infrastructure that will enable the op-
kega parka, inovativne digitalne in interaktivne rešitve eration of the archaeological park throughout the year,
za povečanje izkustvenih doživljajev obiskovalcev ter making it financially viable. Special attention will be
vključitev parka v kulturno in turistično ponudbo. paid to the protection of the monument’s mosaic floors
Koristi projekta bodo deležni lokalna skupnost, izo- as an essential architectural segment of the architectur-
braževalne institucije na vseh ravneh, turisti, obiskoval- al remains. Appropriate protective measures will be un-
ci s posebnimi potrebami, zainteresirani posamezniki in dertaken to ensure a long-term preservation of restored
javnost, institucije s področja kulturne dediščine. Pro- mosaics. For the purposes of a relevant presentation the
jektne dejavnosti prinašajo nove vsebine, ki bodo omog- wall architectural remains of the villa will be restored “in
očile njegovo obnovo in restavracijo, ustrezno prezent- situ”, since that is the only way to properly represent and
acijo in dostopnost ter oblikovanje v novo destinacijo interpret the remains for visitors.
kulturnega turizma. The results of the project will include the interpretive
centre in the park, the preserved and presented remains
Summary of the villa and its mosaics, the first underwater archaeo-
logical park, the innovative digital and interactive solu-
Roman maritime villa in San Simon is a monument of tions to increase the empirical experiences of visitors -
national importance, which represents a special chal- in short, the park’s full integration into the cultural and
lenge in the interpretation and popularization for the tourist offer.
general public. First part of the paper presents an over- The project will be of utmost benefice to the local com-
view of previous promotions and presentations of this munity, educational institutions at all levels, tourists, vis-
archaeological monument and site in the framework of itors with disabilities, interested individuals and public
already completed national and international projects. institutions in the field of cultural heritage. Project ac-
In the second part of the paper the international project tivities will introduce the reconstruction and restora-
“AS - Archaeology for all. The revival of the archaeolog- tion, appropriate presentation and accessibility and the
ical park Simon’s Bay” is presented as an upgrade to the creation of a new cultural tourism destination.
previous work.
Researching and establishing of the park in the area of
an archaeological monument of national importance
was supported through several national and interna-
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