Page 35 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 35
ia universitatissquare or trapeze groundplans and almost in all ble differences, are distinguished by great similarities in
cases oven was made in the interior. Small differ- some categories of artefacts, in different micro-regions
ear ly neolithic in north macedonia and bulgar ia: geogr aphical and cultur al r elations 35 ences are noted in building techniques, but this within the two countries. Hence, the paper focuses on
can also be considered as one of the specifics of discovering the causes of similarities in certain artefacts
each site or other economical, social or natural in communities that, although living in the same peri-
resources. od, practice almost the same lifestyle, but are somewhat
characterized by a relatively different material culture.
Finally, it can be concluded, on the basis of
the animal husbandry, that almost in all sites Povzetek
for which there is archaeozoological data, there
is absolute dominance of stockbreeding, while Ena ključnih tem evropske prazgodovine - neolitizaci-
hunting was not so important. Larger differenc- ja Balkana je še vedno predmet številnih raziskav, po-
es are noted in the domestic animals distribution lemik, idej in hipotez. Upoštevajoč geografski položaj
– the domination of the sheep/goat and cattle, ozemlja v jugovzhodni Evropi in širše v neposredni
which is in favor of sheep/goat in North Mace- bližini žarišča velikih neolitskih kultur (“keramičnih” in
donia, which is not the case in Bulgaria. Accord- “akeramičnih”), je bilo tu dokumentiranih veliko število
ing to the studies this is probably a result of the neolitskih najdišč, ki sodijo v čas druge polovice, oziro-
different climatic conditions. ma na konec 7. tisočletja pred našim štetjem. Najstare-
jša neolitska najdišča v Evropi so bila odkrita v Grčiji.
From all of the above mentioned we can Zanje je značilna še posebej avtentična materialna kul-
conclude that EN (and MN) communities in tura. Pozneje so bila odkrita številna zgodnjeneolits-
North Macedonia and Bulgaria have very sim- ka najdišča še v Severni Makedoniji, Bolgariji, Srbiji in
ilar material culture, but each one preserves its Romuniji ter manjše število v Albaniji. Glede na boga-
own specificities that separate it from others. In to materialno kulturo so še zlasti zanimiva nekatera na-
fact, due to the inevitable economical (and so- jdišča Severne Makedonije in Bolgarije, ki jih v različnih
cial) contacts and natural (geographical) com- mikroregijah v obeh državah poleg vidnih razlik odliku-
munication, these two pathways intertwine, jejo tudi velike podobnosti v nekaterih kategorijah arte-
thus not allowing either precise identification of faktov. Prispevek se osredotoča na odkrivanje vzrokov,
their identity nor broad generalization. ki so botrovali podobnostim nekaterih artefaktov v
teh skupnostih, katere, čeprav živijo v istem obdobju in
Summary prakticirajo skoraj enak življenjski slog zaznamuje precej
drugačna materialna kultura.
One of the key topics of European prehistory – the Ne-
olithization of the Balkans is still subject to a variety of References
explorations, polemics, ideas and hypotheses. Bearing Angeleski, S. 2012. The Early and Middle
in mind the geographical position of this territory in
Southeastern Europe and wider in the immediate vicin- Neolithic in Macedonia: Links with
ity of the hotspot of the large (both Aceramic and Ce- neighmouring areas. Oxford: Archaeopress.
ramic) Neolithic cultures and sites of the Eastern Med- British Archaeological Reports –
iterranean, in the second half and especially towards the International Series 2332.
end of the 7th millennium cal BC, a large number of Ne- Bacvarov, K. and R. Gleser., eds. 2016.
olithic sites has been documented. The earliest Neolith- Southeast Europe and Anatolia in
ic sites in Europe were discovered in Greece, which are prehistory. Essays in honor of Vassil
characterized by a particularly authentic material cul- Nikolov on his 65th anniversary.
ture, and later a number of EN sites were discovered Edition: Universitätsforschungen zur
in North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, and a Prähistorischen Archäologie 293. Bonn:
smaller number in Albania. Considering the rich mate- Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH.
rial culture some sites from North Macedonia and Bul-
garia are of special interest, which apart from the visi-
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