Page 58 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 58
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 58

Graf 7: Grafični prikaz najdišč rimskih vojaških napisov v obravnavanem obdobju.
Opomba: V graf niso vključeni beneficiariji iz celejanskega prostora.

Summary an region towards the Balkans and the subsequent war
developments within the Empire.
The large part of military inscriptions is represented by Military inscriptions from Emona, Petovio, Neviodu-
tombstones (gravestones, stelae, sarcophagi, tombs, cre- num, Prateorium Latobicorum, Celeia and other in-
mation and cinerary urns) (look chart 1 and 2), while the dividual locations all over Slovenia mostly belonged to
lesser part is known from altars and dedications. The lat- the beneficiarii, common legionaries, praetorians, cen-
ter are votive inscriptions, often dedicated to deities, turions and veterans; in three cases (no. 48, 55 and 115)
family members and friends. The overriding message on it is also clear the function and the department unit in
military inscriptions is primarily of memorial usage, but which these veterans served.
on some examples soldiers are also mentioned as dedi- On military inscriptions found all over Slovenia are
cators or contributors (no. 5, 11, 18/19, 106 and 113). Exam- mentioned Apollo’s Fifteenth Legion, Augustus’
ples no. 21, 27, 44, 45, 49, 98/104, 101 and 119 testify that Eighth Legion, Thirteen Twin Legion, Italian Second
some soldiers used to order such tombstones during Legion and individual units of the Hispanic Ninth le-
their lifetime for themselves and were later testamenta- gion and the Fourteenth Twin legion, the Rescuer First
ry erected after they passed away. Legion, Lucky Flavian Fourth Legion, Macedonian
From everything stated, it is clear that despite the mod- Fifth Legion, Sixth Ironclad legion, Tenth Twin Legion,
est number of existing and documented military in- the Thunderbolt Twelfth Legion and Thirteenth Twin
scriptions found all over Slovenia, they confirm the Legion.
presence of Roman soldiers in this area. The increased Among praetorian troops the second cohort is men-
number of military inscriptions from the 1st and 2nd cen- tioned twice, while the first praetorian cohort and
tury (see chart 4) can be attributed to the intensive ex- the seventh praetorian cavalry cohort only once. Be-
pansion of the Roman Empire in the Southeast Europe- side praetorian troops, the inscription no. 98 mentions
a commander of a reconnaissance unit of praetorians.
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