Page 90 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 90
‘Wir brauchen in Berlin ein “Zentrum der Povzetek
15 Millionen”: Ein weißer Fleck muß Izhajajoč iz analize stalne razstave novoodprtega Do-
aufgearbeitet werden.’ 1999. Deutscher kumentacijskega centra za razseljevanje, izgon, spravo
Ostdienst, March 26. si v prispevku prizadevam razumeti, v kolikšni meri ta
Wüstenberg, J. 2020. Zivilgesellschaft und nova institucija uspe ponuditi nov pristop h kraju spo-
Erinnerungspolitik in Deutschland seit mina na »beg in izgon Nemcev« in ga umestiti tako v
1945. Translated by W. Wüstenberg, G. kontekst nemških zveznih muzejev kot muzejev, pos-
Brandt, and R. Brandt. Berlin: LIT. večenih begu in izgonu (med ukinjenim modelom Hei-
matmuseum in novoustanovljenim §96 Landesmuseen).
Analiziram vloge predmetov zbirke Dokumentacijske-
Starting from the analysis of the permanent exhibi- ga centra, katerega že ime nakazuje distanciranje od kla-
tion of the newly opened Documentation Centre for sičnega muzeja – naj bo zgodovinskega ali etnološkega.
90 Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation, this paper Analiza se osredotoča na posebne izzive, ki so se pojavi-
sets out to understand to what extent the Documen- li pri nastajanju zbirke na temo prisilnih migracij: Ali je
tation Centre succeeds in offering a new approach to mogoče izgubo narediti vidno? Ali je mogoče in ali je
studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
the place of remembrance “Flight and Expulsion of treba prikazati izkušnjo nasilja? In če da, na kakšen na- ti
the Germans” and to situate it both in the federal Ger- čin in s kakšnim namenom? Kakšen status imajo raz-
man museum landscape and in the museum landscape stavljeni predmeti in kako so vključeni v razstavno pri-
around flight and expulsion (between the discontin- poved? V sklepu ugotovim, da raznolika in protislovna
ued model Heimatmuseum and the newly founded §96 pričakovanja Dokumentacijskega centra rezultirajo v ta
Landesmuseen). stalni razstavi, ki izpolnjuje želje spominskega miljeja
It does so by examining the role of objects of the col- (izgnancev in njihovih potomcev), saj naslavlja njihovo
lection of the Documentation Centre, whose name trpljenje in se odziva na nalogo vlade, da to temo zasid-
already indicates a distancing from the classical mu- ra v središču družbe (tudi zunaj spominskega miljeja) ter di
seum - be it historical or ethnological. The analysis fo- tako ustvari prostor sprave, ki je hkrati spomenik, mu-
cusses on the special challenges that have arisen in the zej, arhiv in prostor srečevanja. A to gre na račun razu-
creation of the collection on the topic of forced migra- mevanja specifičnosti procesov bega in izgona Nemcev.
tion: Can the loss be made visible? Can and should the
experience of violence be portrayed? And if so, by what
means and to what end? What status do the exhibited
objects have and how are they incorporated into the ex- here
hibition narrative?
I suggest that the diverse and contradictory expecta-
tions placed on the Documentation Centre results in
a permanent exhibition that meets the wishes of the
memory milieu (expellees and their descendants) to ad-
dress their suffering and responds to the government’s
mandate to anchor the topic in the centre of society
(also outside the memory milieu) and to create a space
of reconciliation between memorial, museum, archive,
and meeting place. However, this comes at the expense
of understanding the specificity of the German flight
and expulsion processes. studiauniversitatis