Page 108 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 108
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 106 each inhalation and exhalation. These techniques can always be adapted to the
needs of a patient. The goal of breathing exercises is to encourage patients to
gradually change their breathing patterns, restore them and maintain them.
In this way, the respiratory centre in the brain is newly “programmed” and al-
lows inhalation to occur in the presence of a higher concentration of carbon
dioxide. The research results give us mixed information, mainly because the
field associated with respiratory techniques, lung function and quality of life is
poorly researched. There is a connection between breathing exercises and fac-
tors of the overall quality of life and health in adults without medically diag-
nosed medical conditions. Since hyperventilation is not a disease but a disor-
der, it can be argued that in individuals with respiratory pattern disorders, the
health-related quality of life improved (Chenivesse et al., 2013) and the num-
ber of respiratory disorders in daily life and during physical activity decreased.
Stress caused respiratory disorders less often, there was also a decrease in emer-
gency medical visits (Hagman et al., 2011). However, people with respiratory
pattern disorders have higher BMI values. Obesity is a common reason leading
to shortness of breath and a more frequent occurrence of anxiety, depression,
sleep apnoea and gastro-oesophageal reflux (Sedeh et al., 2020). Identifying
problems in the breathing pattern due to exertion, air obstruction or distur-
bances in the breathing pattern is not easy. When symptoms remain unex-
plained, fear of the disease may increase and the possibility of physical activity
may decrease, which in turn increases the risk of developing chronic diseases.

Breathing techniques have great potential in improving the quality of life in
adults, especially those who unconsciously over-breathe or hyperventilate. Re-
search in healthy adults is lacking; however, on the basis of our short review,
we can conclude that breathing exercises in healthy adults are connected to the
assessment of the quality of life and the improvement of lung function. We al-
so noticed that this field is poorly researched.

Chaitow, L., Bradley, D. & Gilber, C. (2014). What are breathing pattern disor-

ders. In L. Chaitow, D. Bradley & C. Gilbert (Eds), Recognizing and treat-
ing breathing disorders: a multidisciplinary approach (pp. 1-9). UK: Else-
Chenivesse, C., Similowski, T., Bautin, N., Fournier, C., Robin, S., Wallaert,
B. in Perez, T. (2014). Severely impaired health-related quality of life in
chronic hyperventilation patients: exploratory data. Respiratory medi-
cine, 108(3), 517-523. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2013.10.024
Gilbert, C. (2014). Interaction of psyhological and emotional variables with
breathing dysfunction. In L. Chaitow, D. Bradley & C. Gilbert (Eds), Rec-
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