Page 106 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 106
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 104 ry disorders are a common occurrence in adults and they also occur in people
without medically diagnosed medical conditions (Hagman, Janson & Emtner,
2011). The most common is the hyperventilation syndrome, which is present in
6% to 10% of adults (Chaitow, Bradley & Gilbert, 2014). The overall respirato-
ry capacity associated with the use of optimal breathing patterns also has an
impact on health. The reasons are mainly exposure to stressful situations or
unconscious fears that can cause anxiety, depression and stress (Jerath, 2015).
These conditions are associated with excessive frequency and volume of respi-
ration, which usually leads to hyperventilation (Chenivesse et al., 2013). On a
psychological and physical level, such a condition can express itself as fatigue,
dizziness, tingling, weakness, headache, and the like. These are the signs with
which we can describe respiratory disorders (Chaitow et al., 2014). Since disor-
ders are not necessarily always present and come in onset, the condition is dif-
ficult to recognize and diagnose, and is often confused with asthma (Hagman
et al., 2011). Healthcare professionals have few information about these condi-
tions, leading to a misunderstanding of the phenomenon and inappropriate ac-
tion (Vidotto, Carvalho, Harvey & Jones, 2019). The purpose of our study was
to review the literature on the association of breathing exercises with improv-
ing lung function and to assess the quality of life in adults.

The research used an integrative review of scientific literature, which was ac-
cessed in April 2020 via electronic databases PubMed, Google Scholar and
Science Direct. The search string included the following keywords and their
synonyms: respiration, performance, adults, quality of life, lifestyle. In all da-
tabases, we used an advanced search with the included Boolean operator AND
/ IN between two or more keywords. We took into account the inclusion crite-
ria, namely the publication of papers between 2010 and 2020, the adult popula-
tion between 18 and 65 years of age and the accessibility to the full text; and the
exclusion criterion: a medically diagnosed medical condition.

The results show a connection between breathing exercises and the general
quality of life and health factors in adults without medically diagnosed med-
ical conditions. We note a lack of research that would study breathing tech-
niques and their impact on the improvement of lung function and research
on the assessment of the quality of life in healthy adults without the presence
of diagnosed diseases. Out of 52 items found, 7 relevant studies were identi-
fied. The results suggest a connection among breathing exercises, the quality
of life and the improvement of lung function, as well among breathing exer-
cises and the decrease in the number of hyperventilation attacks, the improve-
ment of lung capacity and the improvement of body component of the assess-
ment of the quality of life and the decrease in ambulance visits. The results also
show that breathing techniques can be an alternative treatment for stress; anx-
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