Page 62 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 62
Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Criteria Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Healthcare workers or nurses includ-
Healthcare worker/nurse ed All other professions
Shift work/night shift work
Working conditions Present in text Only day shifts
Impact on health scientific review, research articles Not present in text
Type of publications January 2017 – April 2020 Other type of articles
Time period English language Older literature
Language All other languages

Shift work can have detrimental effects on human health. In Table 2 the results
of our research, which includes 11 articles, are shown. It lists the author, meth-
odology, purpose, sample, and finding.

zdravje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 60 Table 2: Author, year and country, type of study, duration,
and intervention, aim, environment and sample and results

Author, year, Type of study, Aim Environment Results
and country duration, and and sample

Investigate patient
safety management
system and activi-
ties and intention
1. Hayashi et al., Questionnaire to participate in the 40 hospitals Long working
2020 surveys 2x second survey in 100 healthcare hours, night, shifts
Japan 1 year (2015 – relationship with workers and few days off,
2016) working hours in a were associated with
week, the number low patient safety
of night shifts in a culture

month and the num-
ber of days off in a

At the end of night
75 female em- shifts reaction times
2. Behrens et al., Psychomotor To mean reaction ployees work- increased and num-
2019 Vigilance Task time, percentage ing day and ber of lapses are
Germany (PVT) test of lapses and false night shifts, higher compared
bout at the end starts 25 year or old- to day shifts. Dif-
of two con- er, not pregnant ferences between
secutive day tor breast feed- in the number of
and three con- ing within the false starts they did-
secutive night last 6 months, n`t observe. Reac-
shifts, respec- not taking ovar- tion times improved
tively. ian stimulation across consecu-

3 years (2012 – therapy, not have tive day and night -
2015) previous diagno- shifts, frequency of
sis of cancer lapses increased af-
ter the third night
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