Page 65 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 65
Author, year, Type of study, Aim Environment Results
and country duration, and and sample

7 days wear-
ing multisen-
sory acceler-
ometer (Sense
Wear BodyMe-
dia armband)
and detailed
food diary, Shift working had
measures phys- Does working regu- no influence on
ical activity lar hours or rotating 46 volunteer physical activi-
(METs), Qual- shift scan effect pa- participants of ty during working
Raskoden et al., ity of sleep as- rameters of general University Med- hours appears to be
10. 2017 sessed by Pitts- health and nutrition ical Depart- compensated for
Germany burgh Sleeping (physical activity, ment (23 rotat- during off – hours.
Quality Index sleep quality, met- ing shifts, 21 non Nutritional status
(PSQI), and abolic activity, and – shift regular and stress level can
stress load us- stress levels) hours) effect on health –
associated condi-
ing Trier In- tions nurses’ shift work: impact on health 63
ventory for
Chronic Stress

1 year (2013 –

Cross – sec- Investigate the rela-
tional study tionships between
1 year (2011) burnout and three
Chang et al., components (emo- 571 nurses Burnout was relat-
11. 2017 tional exhaustion, ed to components of
depersonalisation, nursing professional
Taiwan and reduced person- commitment
Questionnaire al achievement) of
nursing professional

Discussion and conclusions
Nurses face many challenges during their professional work. During the en-
counter of suffering, the relief of problems, pain, encounters with death, some-
times on a daily basis, poor wages, poor work organization, during stress and
anxiety, schedules and shift work also bring their consequences. Behrens et al.
(2019) and Lieberman et al. (2020) find that shift work affects the concentra-
tion of nurses, they sleep less, are exhausted, it also affects the number of work
errors, prolongs reaction time by performing consecutive shift work or night
shifts, while Hayashi et al. (2020) argues that patient safety is related to the
number of working hours, night shifts, and lack of nurses’ days off. Nurses who
work at night may not be able to provide a high standard of care due to the or-
ganization due to the negative effects of fatigue on the quality of care and safe-
ty, also say Antill et al. (2016). Dehring et al. (2018) say nurses working shifts
are more prone to distress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, and social dysfunc-
tion, but the organizational climate and increase in supervisors could alleviate
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