Page 71 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 71

Use of mobile technology in healthcare

Grega Martin Glas, Sara Hafner, Špela Rozman, Andrej Starc

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Zdravstvena pot 5, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Introduction: It has been shown that ICT (Information Communication
Technology) has the potential to provide better healthcare services.
In the last decade, mobile technology has become very sophisticated
and widely spread among people. It provides a new set of tools to
improve the health professional-patient relationship. There have been
developed many mobile applications that may be potentially useful for
healthcare purposes. The literature review is aimed to present the role
of mobile technology in healthcare. Methods: A descriptive research
method with a critical review of English scientific and professional
literature was performed, using Science Direct, CINAHL with Full
Text, MEDLINE, and Google scholar. The keywords with the use of
Bool›s operators AND/OR were: smartphones, mobile technology, and
healthcare. Literature inclusion criteria were articles published between
2014 and 2019, freely accessible and primarily reviewed articles with
clearly defined objectives and methods in the English language. We
reviewed 15 articles, the excluded ones did not match our inclusion
criteria. The literature search took place in February and March 2020.
Data were analyzed using the content analysis method. Results: The
results showed that mobile technology can benefit patients as well as
healthcare professionals. Patients can use them as devices that help to
perform daily tasks for a healthier life or easier management of chronic
diseases. Mobile technology can empower the patients, so they can take
control of their health condition. Healthcare professionals can use it for
additional or different learning options or as a tool in patient-centered
care. The use of mobile technology can influence communication and
relationship between patients and healthcare professionals, also, it
breaks down barriers, such as language and long-distance. Adopting
mobile health technology perceived an overall positive impact among
patients, indicating they are ready to transition from traditional clinical
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