Page 72 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 72
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 70 encounters to modern treatment ways. Nevertheless, caution and
professional perspective based on knowledge and ethical considerations
are needed when implementing new technology in healthcare. Discussion
and conclusions: The use of mobile technology and mobile health
interventions has increased significantly. Even though mobile phone-
based interventions have the potential to improve treatment outcomes,
there are still challenges relating to new technologies that must be taken
into consideration. To be able to understand how different factors affect
the development process from a technical and human perspective there
is a need for evaluation of mobile technology. It is necessary to conduct
more studies with greater variety in research design and users on mobile
applications to evaluate their effectiveness.

Keywords: smartphones, mobile technology, ICT, healthcare

Within the last two decades, we have witnessed remarkable technological de-
velopment of information and communication technologies and their imple-
mentation into healthcare (Cannon, 2018). Technological progress has resulted
in several movements: a need to address the rising burden of chronic diseases,
an exponential increase in developing smaller and cheaper devices, and devel-
oping a patient-centered healthcare model. Miniaturization of diagnostic in-
struments have led to promises to improve patient care, individual well-being,
healthcare outcomes, encourage healthy behaviors, reduce healthcare costs
and provide widely accessible services (Philips and Merril, 2015; Bhavnani et
al., 2016; Aceto et al., 2018).

Mobile health (mHealth) is defined by the practice of medicine that is
supported by portable diagnostic services. While technological development
offers many benefits, it also raises many ethically relevant questions, regard-
ing widespread device use and their safety (Bhavnani et al., 2016; Lucivero and
Jongsma, 2018).

This literature review aims to present the role of mobile technology in

A descriptive research method with a critical review of English scientific
and professional literature was performed, using Science Direct, CINAHL
with Full Text, MEDLINE, and Google scholar. The keywords with the use
of Bool’s operators AND/OR were: smartphones, mobile technology, and
healthcare. Literature inclusion criteria were articles published between 2014
and 2019, freely accessible and primarily reviewed articles with clearly de-
fined objectives and methods in English language. We reviewed 15 articles,
the excluded ones did not match our inclusion criteria. The literature search
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