Page 79 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 79
Methods musculoskeletal disorders among preschool teachers 77
A sample of respondents
The sample of respondents was non-specific. The study involved 155 educators
of pre-school children from various kindergartens in Slovenia, who respond-
ed to the invitation to participate. Among them, 95.5% were women, and 4.5%
were men. The breakdown of the age of the respondents was as follows: 26.5%
of the surveyed educators were aged between 20 and 30, 34.8% were between 31
and 40, and 38.7% were aged 41 and over. 51.6% of the surveyed educators had
been working from 0 to 10 years, 28.4% from 11 to 20 years, 8.4% from 21 to 30
years, and 11.6% from 31 to 40 years. More than half of the respondents, or rath-
er 62.6%, worked in the second age group last year, while 37.4% worked in the
first age group.

A sample of variables
The sample of variables represents a combination of three sets of questions.
We compiled the first two sets ourselves, while the third represents a recon-
struction of the CMDQ questionnaire (Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort
Questionnaires) (German version: Kreuzfeld et al., 2016). The first part con-
tained demographic variables (gender, age, job, the total number of years in
education, the age group in which they were employed in the last year), the
second part contained questions about the assessment of job satisfaction, feel-
ings of stress and physical activities, while the third part covered questions on
the assessment of musculoskeletal disorders (perceptions of pain in individual
parts of the body, and the activities in which pain is felt as well as the patient’s
sick leave).

The organization and process of data collection
The survey questionnaire was sent by post in-line with prior arrangements
with the kindergartens’ management. The educators participated in the re-
search anonymously and voluntarily. In the end, the completed questionnaires
were collected, and the data was entered into a computer. The entire process of
data collection and processing took place anonymously.

Methods of data processing
The collected data was processed with the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 software pack-
age (Statistical Package for The Social Science). Descriptive statistics (averages,
standard deviations, asymmetry and flatness coefficients, minima, maxima)
and inference statistics (Hi-square test of equal probabilities, t-test for inde-
pendent samples, as well as bivariate correlation analysis) were used for pro-
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