Page 88 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 88
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 86 They should clean surfaces for food preparation, utensils, cutlery and dishes
in their kitchens more thoroughly and promptly. They should pay more
attention to preventing cross-contamination from surfaces that come into
contact with food.

Keywords: Consumers, Food safety, Hygiene, Knowledge

An integrated approach is essential for food safety, as it takes into account the
fact that food supply is linked to the food supply chain from farm to fork. Con-
sumers also play an important role in ensuring food safety, as they represent
the final link in this food supply chain (Jevšnik et al., 2008). Among all report-
ed cases of foodborne infections and poisonings in the European Union, the
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, 2018) in its annual report highlight-
ed inadequate heat treatment of food as the main known cause of disease in
households. The second most common cause was an inadequate food storage
temperature. As an important cause of infections and food poisoning, they al-
so pointed out food hygiene, which includes cleaning, washing and handling of
food during its preparation.

Many consumers are unaware of the fact that also their home environ-
ment poses a risk of foodborne disease outbreaks (Byrd-Brebenner et al., 2013).
Research findings show that consumers most often associate foodborne disease
with the catering industry or food establishments (Jevšnik et al., 2013). Most
of the food is prepared by consumers at home (Byrd-Brebenner et al., 2013), so
knowledge about food preparation in their home kitchen is all the more im-
portant, as it reduces the likelihood of foodborne diseases (Meysenburg et al.,
2014). Proper consumer behaviour in food preparation is, in addition to the
knowledge of food hygiene, a key element in ensuring consumer safety (Ovca
et al., 2014; Jevšnik et al., 2013; Kendall et al., 2013). The lack of knowledge and
mishandling of food during preparation is more common in consumer groups
of young adults (18 to 29 years), men, and people older than 60 years (Jevšnik
et al., 2008; Leal et al., 2017). In studies that gathered data through question-
naires and by observing consumers during food preparation, it was observed
that many consumers correctly answered questions about food safety and good
hygiene practice. However, the results of observing consumers during food
preparation show that they often act contrary to what they state in the ques-
tionnaires (Tomaszewska et al., 2017; Mazengia et al., 2015; Sampers et al., 2012;
Clayton & Griffith, 2004), the chances of foodborne infections are thus much
higher than shown in epidemiological data (Lange et al., 2016; Byrd-Brebenner
et al., 2013; Kendall et al., 2013). Irregularities in food handling at home are re-
lated to improper hand washing, improper separation of equipment and uten-
sils, inadequate food storage, cross-contamination and insufficient heat treat-
ment of food (Odeyemi et al., 2019; Gong et al., 2016; Burke et al., 2016; Bearth
et al., 2014; Ergonul, 2013; Jevšnik et al., 2008). The purpose of our research was
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