Page 308 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 2. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 308
mikro in makro: pr istopi in pr ispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici up fhš

tified as breadfruit”. Is the velocity of (visual or any other kind of) reason-
ing to be considered a virtue, a necessary and sufficient criterion for good

In order to answer these questions, we will try to replicate Groarke’s
procedure, and compare his photos of what he identified as breadfruit to
the encyclopaedic photos of breadfruit.

Here are some photos of breadfruit I found in different encyclopaedias:

Figure 2.2. Breadfruit at Tortuguero (Wikipedia, Breadfruit)

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