Page 312 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 2. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 312
mikro in makro: pr istopi in pr ispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici up fhš
Breadfruit is a staple food in many tropical regions. The trees were
propagated far outside their native range by Polynesian voyagers
who transported root cuttings and air-layered plants over long oce-
an distances (Wikipedia: Breadfruit).
If we sum up, breadfruit is a tropical plant, usually found (and used) in
tropical areas. It is, therefore, not very probable to find it in Ontario, in the
Detroit river (though it is not completely impossible, of course, that a speci-
men of a breadfruit could find its way into the Detroit river from one of the
local Caribbean restaurants or stores).
But, if relevant sources (encyclopaedias) were indeed amply consulted
(or at least browsed through), and the point of departure in investigating
the nature of the Detroit river fruit was not based on some kind of pre-
conceived idea or an intuition that the found fruit looked very much like
breadfruit, a neutral, objective and meticulous investigator should have
easily found the following photos as well:
Figure 2.6. Maclura pomifera (Commons, Maclura 1)
Breadfruit is a staple food in many tropical regions. The trees were
propagated far outside their native range by Polynesian voyagers
who transported root cuttings and air-layered plants over long oce-
an distances (Wikipedia: Breadfruit).
If we sum up, breadfruit is a tropical plant, usually found (and used) in
tropical areas. It is, therefore, not very probable to find it in Ontario, in the
Detroit river (though it is not completely impossible, of course, that a speci-
men of a breadfruit could find its way into the Detroit river from one of the
local Caribbean restaurants or stores).
But, if relevant sources (encyclopaedias) were indeed amply consulted
(or at least browsed through), and the point of departure in investigating
the nature of the Detroit river fruit was not based on some kind of pre-
conceived idea or an intuition that the found fruit looked very much like
breadfruit, a neutral, objective and meticulous investigator should have
easily found the following photos as well:
Figure 2.6. Maclura pomifera (Commons, Maclura 1)