Page 142 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2022. Severe Asthma - Basic and Clinical Views. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 1
P. 142
Speech and Swallowing Disorders at the he spent one year in Clinic for Rheuma-
university hospital. She is the author of tology and Clinical Immunology / Al-
severe asthma forum 1: severe asthma - basic and clinical views two university textbooks, and more than lergology, Inselspital, University of Bern,
350 published papers. She was the su- Switzerland and where he was involved
pervisor or co-supervisor of 6 MSc, and in clinical and research work. In 2012 he
7 PhD dissertations at the University of passed EAACI/UEMS Knowledge Ex-
Ljubljana. She is a reviewer for 10 inter- amination in Allergology and Clinical
national journals with IF. Immunology.
His main clinical and research interests
Assoc. Prof. Tomaž Kocjan MD, PhD. are in atopic diseases such as asthma and
allergies, particularly immunotherapy
Tomaž Kocjan is Associate Professor and severe asthma. He is very pleased to
of Internal Medicine and Endocrinolo- be part of the internationally renowned
gy at the Faculty of Medicine, Universi- research team at the Golnik Clinic, where
ty of Ljubljana and head of the Endocrine experts in basic immunology and clini-
Unit, Department of Endocrinology, Di- cal medicine are closely linked and work
abetes and Metabolic Diseases, Univer- very well together. He is active member of
sity Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia. EAACI, ENDA group and GA2LEN Ur-
He received his MD and PhD from the ticaria network.
University of Ljubljana. His expertise in
clinical endocrinology was further devel- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramesh Kurukulaaratchy
oped at Royal Free Hospital and Univer- BM DM FRCP
sity College Hospital in London, UK. His
special clinical and research interests are Ramesh Kurukulaaratchy BM DM
adrenal diseases, especially endocrine hy- FRCP is Associate Professor at the Uni-
pertension, pituitary, and metabolic bone versity of Southampton and Honor-
diseases. He is the principal author of the ary Consultant in Respiratory & Gen-
national guidelines on postmenopausal eral Medicine plus Allergy at University
osteoporosis, the national position state- Hospital Southampton, United Kingdom
ment on glucocorticoid osteoporosis and (UK). After graduating from the Univer-
the on-going national screening program sity of Southampton and completing jun-
for osteoporosis endorsed by the Ministry ior training posts, Ramesh undertook a
of Health of Slovenia. He published more Research Fellowship at the David Hide
than 50 articles in international peer-re- Asthma & Allergy Research Centre, Isle
viewed medical journals. He authored of Wight, UK. That fuelled a clinical and
and edited chapters in Slovenian text- research interest in Asthma and Allergy.
books of Internal Medicine and Endocri- Ramesh developed and led the Regional
nology. Difficult Asthma Clinic as a Multidiscipli-
nary team at Southampton for 11-years.
Assist. Peter Kopač MD, PhD His research interests include asthma ep-
idemiology across the life course and pre-
Dr. Kopač graduated from the Faculty vention strategies in asthma and allergy.
of Medicine at the University of Ljublja- He also leads the WATCH study of dif-
na in 2005. Already during his residency ficult asthma at Southampton, studying
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