Page 145 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2022. Severe Asthma - Basic and Clinical Views. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 1
P. 145
at proportion of his research activities Heterogenous Asthma Research Collabo- 145
represent the use of different techniques ration) National lead.
in molecular biology to study DNA (se- Dr. Škrgat is a member of Slovenian Res- contributors
quencing, PCR, qPCR, MLPA, NGS, piratory Society steering committee and
ddPCR), expression profiles of mRNA, a member of SHARP steering committee
miRNA (RT-qPCR, NGS), proteins (flow since 2021.
cytometry, ELISA) in various disease en- She launched the first Severe asthma fo-
tities, in an attempt to decipher disease rum-joint meeting of South East Europe
mechanisms and finding novel biomark- which was held in Bled, Slovenia in 2018.
ers for diagnosis and prognosis/predic-
tion. Currently, his research is focused Stylianos Vittorakis MD, PhD
on hereditary angioedema, asthma, and
anaphylaxis mechanisms, genetics and Stylianos K. Vittorakis MD, PhD, re-
pharmacogenetics, as evident from the ceived his medical education and his PhD
summary of our latest publications in this from National and Kapodistrial Universi-
field. He published 51 original scientific ty of Athens. He completed his residency
papers, and 6 review scientific papers, and in Pulmonary Medicine at “Sotiria” Ath-
has an H-index of 17. ens Chest Hospital, Greece and obtained
the European Diploma in Adult Respira-
Assist. Prof. Sabina Škrgat MD, PhD tory Medicine E.R.S – H.E.R.M.E.S in
2011. He has conducted research in Cel-
Sabina Škrgat, MD, graduated from the lular Immunology and Asthma at Bio-
Faculty of Medicine at the University of medical Research Foundation (Academy
Ljubljana (1996). She is a specialist of in- of Athens) and Asthma Research Center-
ternal medicine (2004) and pneumonolo- 7th Respiratory Medicine Department
gy (2011). She got her PhD degree at the (Sotiria Hospital). His research is mainly
University of Ljubljana (2009) with the focused on asthma as an active member
topic of investigation, related to angiogen- of Hellenic Thoracic Society Asthma and
esis and complement activation in asthma COPD working groups. Currently he is a
and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- private consultant Pulmonologist in Cha-
ease. nia/Greece, and he is Coordinator in Hel-
Her main clinical work consists of man- lenic Thoracic Society Primary Health
agement of patients with severe asthma Care Group.
and other obstructive lung diseases. She is
an Assistant professor at Medical Faculty Prim. Žarko Vrbica MD, MS
of Ljubljana and she curently has a lead-
ing position in Slovenian National recom- Dr. Žarko Vrbica graduated from the Fac-
mendations for asthma management. She ulty of Medicine at the University of Bel-
is the clinical lead of Severe asthma Clin- grade (1988). He is a specialist in inter-
ic at University Medical Centre Ljubljana, nal medicine (1999 – UHC Zagreb) and
Slovenia. pneumonology (2003 – UHC Zagreb).
Beside clinical work, she is active in re- Dr. Vrbica earned his MS degree at the
search of severe asthma by PhD mentor- University of Zagreb (2003) with the top-
ing. She is also the ERS SHARP (Severe ic of psycho-neuro-immunology of lung
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